Cold Sheets

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 Author's Note: In the name of God and holy spirits, please douse yourself in holy water if you think this story is 'oh-so-sinful'. This story will be written periodically as we have a hectic schedule ahead of us. 清信 will be writing the next part for we are taking turns on updating this story and I sincerely hope that you would leave a comment or two. 

- 理美

I rolled on the king-size bed for the past half an hour; staring at the white ceiling and the turning fan that stirs around in an infinite amount of time. The cold breeze brushed my bare skin and I shivered slightly, tightening the thick comforter around me to shield me from the cold air. My eyes drooped, head lulling to the side and the calling for slumber was tempting but I resisted it, keeping my sight set on my phone resting on the bedside table. I reached for it, swiping the pattern on the screen to unlock it and checked for any new messages.


I sighed in disappointment and tossed it to the pillow. A soft thud echoed the empty room and filled the silence.

It's strangely... empty. Is this how it means like to miss someone? I chuckled bitterly. Indeed, sometimes, you can only feel something by its absence. By the empty spaces it leave behinds.

Unconsciously, my hand rested itself on the vacant spot next to me; where her figure usually lies. I could pick up her scent on the sheets and the pillows; it made me even sadder. Her presence lingered just for a brief second before it escaped through my fingers. I clenched the sheets blue sheets tightly, a futile attempt to grasp on what's left of her and what's not here.

Hugging my knees to my chest, the tears that threatened to fall from my eyes run freely; dampening my cheeks as I closed my eyes to sleep.


The light that peered through the unveiled window blazed on me, the intensity pried my eyes opened and I sat up imminently; stretching my limbs and a heavy yawn made its way from my mouth. The drowsiness weighed down my eyelids as I tried to rub them off. I took my phone and my fingers fumbled to swipe the designated pattern I have placed to lock my phone from unwanted hands.

An air of despondency choked me as I found out that there were neither new messages nor calls from her. She was away for more than a week; supposedly she would be back here three days ago. I sighed; she probably had a hectic schedule and had her hands full with the company's ongoing project. A freelance writer like me could only drown in my awry thoughts and tangled feelings that have yet to be typed on a blank word document. Instead, I chose to down countless cups of coffee into my system and gave a pointed stare at my phone.

It was only 10.44 a.m.

I still have a long day ahead.


Not even doing meager tasks could distract me from thinking about her.

The house has been cleaned every nook and cranny. I even managed to kill the pests without burning the whole building down. Its huge accomplishment and it brought a small smile to my face before it disappeared completely without trace.

My muscles ached from over-exertion and fatigue was consuming my body. A wave of exhaustion hit and my knees buckled, my body slumped on the couch and I sighed contentedly. I fished out my phone and as I expected, she haven't dropped a single bloody text to make sure she is still alive. I frowned and cursed in frustration; burying my head on the soft, velvety cushion.

Glancing at the clock hung on the wall, it read 5.32 p.m.

A little nap wouldn't hurt.



I let out a soft purr as I clung onto the source of warmth. The stinging cold dissipated and a cozy feeling resurfaced inside of me. It felt strangely familiar... I felt safe and protected.

I could feel a hand brushing my hair; fingers weaving through my black locks and massaging my scalp. They brushed against my cheek and my nape. I squirmed when that person touched my sensitive spots and I forced myself awake, only to find myself in the bedroom together with her.

I was dumbfounded. I stared at her and blinked numerous times, slapping myself in the process.

"Satomi..." she chuckled, "don't hurt yourself."

She held my wrist gently and kissed my forehead. "This is not a dream."

I was supposed to feel happy right? However my first instinct was to punch her arm lightly and let my anger, along with my ego overpower myself.

"You wish it could be a dream right now, Shin, because I'm about to fucking murder you over and over again," I snapped, sarcasm dripping like venom that seeped into my words.

"I'm sorry."

"Damn right you are. Three fricking days without any calls or texts, how am I supposed to find out whether you are dead or alive?" I scoffed in annoyance.

"I'm sorry," she apologized again, pulling me against her warm body and circled her arms around me. "Satomi... don't be mad."

"Next time, tell me that you won't be coming back until the next few days. That's the least you could do before I decided to rip someone into half out of worry."

"Yes, yes, I will remember to do it," she smiled and bit my cheek. "You're pouting. Are you still mad?"

"Of course I am, idiot!" I glared at her before turning my gaze away.

"I can't sleep at night. The bed is too cold..." I trailed off and spoke in a hushed tone.

She stared at me in daze, processing what I just said and grinned mischievously, "So you want me to warm you up?"

Leaning in, her lips curled into a smirk, inviting me to play along with her. I gripped her shirt tightly; leaned in to capture her lips in a tantalizing kiss and bit her bottom lip shortly after to break away from the kiss and whispered into her ear, "Please do so."

She pinned me down and the sheets rustled loudly from the sudden movements and her teeth grazed against my bare collarbone. When our eyes met, the predatory and lust-filled look clouded her eyes made me shiver.

"As you wish."

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