1. Hurt and Broken

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"We can't keep doing this!" Axl said as he and Slash stood in the waiting room of the hospital. Steven had OD'd. Axl took full responsibility. Again. He claimed he was the one who started drugs first and got everyone hooked. What started as fun and games ended in tragedy. 

Slash nodded. "I understand," He said. His long curly hair fell in his face. "Mr. Rose, Mr. Hudson," the nurse said. The two sat up. "How is he?" Axl asked. "He's awake. But very weak. You can visit him but only for about thirty minutes," the nurse said. Axl and Slash nodded. 

They were led to a room where the blonde-headed drummer lay in bed. Hooked up to wires and hoses he had on an oxygen mask. And it's all my fault. Axl thought. "How are you feeling?" Slash asked. Steven took a couple of deep breathes before speaking. "F-fine," he said weakly. His eyes were half open and had purple circles under them. His blonde hair was messier than usual. He was pale and looked zombie-like and dead. It pained Slash and Axl to see Steven in such a state. "Are you sure you're alright?" Slash asked. Steven nodded. Well, what was supposed to be a nod. He moved his head up and down ever so slightly. "Am... Am I g-going to d... die?" Steven asked. His voice was nothing but a whisper, almost like a sigh. Just one long breath. "No," Axl said. "The nurse said you'll be fine." Steven stared at the ceiling as tears formed in his eyes. "I wanna die... I d-don't w... wanna live l... like this," Steven said. "You won't," Axl said touching Steven's hand. "It won't last forever. Maybe a week and then you'll feel a lot better," Axl said. Steven swallowed. "This won't happen again, I promise. We're all getting clean," Slash said. Steven gave another short nod. Tears ran down his face and Slash wiped them away. "Mr. Rose, Mr. Hudson, time to leave, Mr. Adler needs to rest," the nurse said popping her head in the room. Axl and Slash nodded. 

Axl walked into his empty house and flicked on the light. He was lonely and sad. But he knew what he had to do. He searched the entire house for drugs. Once he found them he threw them in a bag and walked to the backyard and started a fire. There in his backyard, Axl burnt all the drugs he had. They're not going to hurt me or anyone ever again, I'm ending this. Axl thought. He threw water of the fire only leaving the ashes and terrible smell of the burnt drugs. 

Axl walked back into the house. He was tired and all he wanted to do was curl up in bed and sleep for two months. He was lonely. He had to put his dog down two months ago and now didn't come home to a happy dog telling him everything would be okay just by giving him a lick on the face.

Axl, also, could never keep a woman if he tried! He either felt nothing for them or they felt nothing for him. Or they hurt him (Verbally abused him, cheated on him, etc.) And after a while, Axl stopped trying. He had to get used to the fact he would either live alone or with an animal for his entire life. 

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