Untitled Part 1

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Where have we been lately?
Vigilant to falling asleep
Ive seen the shadows of our scenes
Are you true to what you feel?

Wonder why now you're the center
The cut hurts deep, not getting better
Accept the bitterness of my defeat
I've never been your special one of the least

You have been my blood supply
Too much flow now my cells enormously divide
You've held me once now you're setting aside
Turn to a watershed, leaving my bones to dry

What have we been lately?
Just friends, secretly lovers in the midst
I 've known for once I'm just a reserve
My love for you yet you never deserve

What have I been lately
Bit by bit going crazy in the roaring seas
What am I to you recently?
Probably just a source of your conscience and pity.

Have you forgotten?
I used to like you
Yes but you left me dry and rotten
Past still in the present, never anew

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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