Part 1

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[A/N: The characters belong to Voltage inc. The work only belongs to me. This is based on a dream event of mine, hence it might feel a little odd. If you are uninterested, it's ok to discontinue, otherwise dive right in!]

[ Night: Kasumi's office]

[ Night: Kasumi's office]

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Kasumi: Huh?

I discover a dozing Kasumi in his study, when I arrive after the last post-op rounds.

MC: I am back! Sorry if I woke you up...

As I see him get up, his expression towards me is not a familiar one, as if he had worn a façade of formality, for his colleagues or students. I shove away this thought as immediately as I can, thinking he might just be exhausted from the work. But, the next moment he speaks, leaves me shocked.

Kasumi: Do I know you?

MC: ...

No, it couldn't be, right? I pinch my cheeks as hard as I can, just hoping that all that was happening was a lie. But, my hopes are shattered to pieces as nothing happens. How could that exactly be possible? It's not like it's some manga or anything.

Kasumi: Why are you here? Are you a new resident?

Kasumi interrupts my train of thoughts. I still can't believe that the dark prince who cared for me so much, with whom I went to dates, who stayed by my side always, doesn't know me.

MC: You are not joking right? Today's not April Fools' either...

Kasumi: I am sorry, but I don't remember seeing you here.

It was like falling into the deepest pit. The abyss from which I can't get out, not anymore. With no choice left in my mind, I had to dejectedly reply-

MC: Yes, I am MC. And I am a new resident here. You might not have noticed me, as I transferred here today itself. I am here to submit today's report.

Although a bit skeptical, he agrees.

It was just a lie. I had been here for almost a year. And I was assigned as cardiovascular surgery resident by him only. But, something else was going on in my mind. How come he forgot me? I just came back from the EICU, and every one was conversing with me normally. I had to definitely go and confirm once leaving his office. Completing my paperwork, I break into a run towards the EICU.

[Night: Seimei University EICU]

MC: Guys, I have something to discuss with you all!

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MC: Guys, I have something to discuss with you all!

When I arrive at the EICU, my voice is no longer in its limits. But, not even one pops his head in my direction. What? Have they also...

MC: Listen to me, I say!!!

I was on the verge of tears as I say this. Hosho gets off his chair and comes to me.

Hosho: What's the matter that our MC is worried about?

Kyogoku: You are allowed to show that loud tone of yours in front of us, but not against Kasumi, you hear? Otherwise, you would be turned into a statue in less than a minute.

MC: You all remember me, right?

Takado: If you are talking about a student extremely annoying, exceptionally loud, and a dumb girl, then yes.

Even though I would had been boiling with frustration at this point, this time, it relieves me. They haven't forgotten me. But then why Kasumi only...?

MC: If you all remember me, how come Kasumi doesn't? Don't say me Kyogoku that you pulled some magic trick on him!

Kyogoku: That would have been a lot better if I could do that. But, I don't know.

Ekuni: Has he hit himself with something on the head?

Takado: As if he would. Hey Hosho, what gives?

Hosho: Hmm, it can be dementia or retrograde amnesia. Maybe, due to excess stress and overwork, or maybe due to lack of rest.

MC: How about we-

Kyogoku: I will go.

Even though Kyogoku wasn't the type to be worried about me and express it, he silently leaves the EICU. His furrowed eyebrows and facial expressions showed how much he was desperate at that moment to find the truth. Just then, the next sight leaves me stuck in my place. Standing outside was none other than Kasumi, and accompanying her was– another me?!

Kasumi: I am leaving with MC-

For a moment, everyone's eyes widen at the scene, including Kasumi. The other me appears to blink at me, with a surprise look on her face.

Takado: What exactly is going on here... Who is the actual dummy?

Kyogoku: Was one not enough to deal with...

Her appearance, height, hair all resembled mine, except my dress. I was in my casual clothes, while she was dressed in a pink top, denim and white coat. Even to me, she appeared as the original me, while I was just a fake silhouette. I had to break the ice somehow.

MC: Ahahaha, What a small world! I had heard that there are seven persons in the world who are the carbon copy of each other, but I never imagined that their appearance could also be the same. I am so sorry for the trouble I have caused. I will be careful!

If I had spoken one more word, I am sure my voice would have sounded broken. Because I was just about to cry that moment. Unable to control my tears and my emotions, I run from there as fast as I can. While getting past Kasumi and the other me, I saw their intertwined hands. Before, I saw Kasumi's tender smile, which I yearned the most. I couldn't let it fade away.

My legs were starting to feel numb, but that didn't bother me. Even if it was the other me, I was jealous. Pitter, patter... one drop fell, following another, and it became intense. I was not sure whether the raindrops were trickling from my face, or my tears. I just wanted to get as far as I can from there.


That's it for this part! What do you think will happen in the next part? Will Kasumi continue to stay with new MC that our MC saw? Or will he realize our MC's identity as real?

This is my first time working on a concept which is totally based on a dream event. I am sure it might feel weird for you to read this, as this is a little bit more with angst. Stay tuned for the next part!


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