Chapter 79 - Alistair Adoration

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Breaking Dawn Pt

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Breaking Dawn Pt. 2

The year 2009

Finally, Carlisle, Dorothea, and Esme returned with their last witness Alistair. Carlisle and Esme are the first to step out of the vehicle, scanning through their compressed house leaving Alistair and Dorothea in the car in the back seat.

"Try not to make a scene, Ally," Alistair just chuckles at this, his gaze still on his lap before studying Dorothea's eyes, the firm and solemn, hollow eyes that caused Alistair to befriend Carlisle and be hither at the moment.

"I can't believe I got myself into this mess. What a fine way to treat your friends."

Dorothea just giggles not bringing it to the heart, apprehending that is just the man's anxiety talking. Getting out of the car with Alistair trailing behind, they were approached by Bella and Edward chatting with Carlisle and Esme.

"We'll all be on Aro's list now. Centuries on the run. That's what you've brought me. Some friend, Carlisle." Alistair spoke upfront with a disgusted look on like he was just ready to transmit the place any minute but because of Dorothea, his whole refusal was too.

"Alistair, come meet everyone," Alistair neglected Carlisle's calm tone for him to loosen him up with his family members, "I already told you, if it comes to a fight, I won't stand against the Volturi." Alistair bestowed a stern look on Carlisle, both intellectually competing with each other as the blonde replied sternly, "It won't come to a fight."

You see, Carlisle and Alistair never genuinely got along like Amun and Dorothea, the nomad favors Dorothea's company over the blonde man.

Glancing at Dorothea before speaking his next words, "I'll be in the attic," They watch as Alistair springs up onto the roof and walks off, not before Dorothea yells out a 'be careful', receiving a simple wave from the nomad.

"He doesn't seem friendly," Bella said still studying at the previous spot Alistair had retired from, "He's not a people person." Esme suspended the tension with her usual motherly and cheerful tone of voice before escorting everyone back inside the house. Where all the guest is waiting for Carlisle and Dorothea's presence.


The Cullens opened their home to 18 vampires. Many with gifts of their own. Zafrina is one of them, she had power over the mind. She could make anyone see what she wanted them to. Currently, Edward, Bella, and Dorothea stood in the middle of the woods with other vampires as Zafrina showed off her gift.

"If she weren't holding my hand right now, I could swear this was real". Dorothea agrees completely as the beautiful rainforest Zafrina had put up, brought her to smile at the view.

"I don't see anything" Dorothea glanced at Bella as the other vampire starts questioning Bella's power, "Here, I'll halt your powers so you can." Dorothea approached Bella, holding onto Bella's hand. Using her powers, her eyes change color while she went through Bella's mind.

"Woah! How is this possible."

Just for the short moment when Bella's shield is been put down, Edward could read his wife's mind like an open book before Dorothea let Bella go. Eleazar questions Edward about Bella's power afterward, "Edward, you didn't tell me your wife is a shield."

"What's a shield?" Edward suddenly understands and smiles proudly, "The ones I've met are so different." Since Edward is too busy being amazed by Bella, Eleazar had to answer Bella's question, "It's a defensive talent."

"It's why I couldn't read your mind, even before. It's why Aro couldn't. You knew about this didn't you, Thea?" Dorothea gave her brother an innocent look before focusing back on Bella when suddenly Kate takes Bella's hand, using her electric powers on her. "Oh, yeah, she's a shield, all right. Should have put her on her ass,"

"Or your voltage has been exaggerated." / "Maybe it only works on the weak." Garrett had challenged Kate by provoking her powers, putting her hand up, daring Garrett to try and touch her with a smirk on.

Carlisle starts warning his friend but Garrett didn't think much about it as he touches his finger to Kate's hand and he's instantly electrocuted and falls to the ground, "You are an amazing woman."

In Dorothea's mind, she can start picturing their wedding bells as she slyly commences singing a wedding tune, this causes Edward to laugh at the taught of it happing. If he only knew it's all true.


Jacob is currently teaching some young Quileutes how to control themselves when they turn into wolves, "Now, you guys can do some serious damage. This is why you'll need to control your phasing. If your mom pisses you off, you don't want to tear her head off."

Suddenly Jacob stops as he hears something in the woods, a fast footstep that he knew immediately as an intruder. "Whoever's coming wasn't invited."

Jacob turns into a wolf and runs into the forest with the young wolves following him, they catch up and chase after two vampires who jump up some trees and then jump down and sit on some rocks mocking the wolves when Carlisle, Dorothea, and the other vampire find them.

"Vladimir, Stefan, you're a long way from home." Carlisle gave his natural smile while Dorothea just waves at the vampire since it's been a long since they met but Kate spoke disgusted by the sudden approach of the 2 vampires, "What are they doing here?"

"We do not care what you did, Carlisle." / "We have been waiting a millennium for the Italian scum to be challenged." Carlisle shook his head at this in disagreement with the 2 vampires, "It's not our plan to fight the Volturi."

"Shame. Aro's witnesses will be so disappointed." / "They enjoy a good fight. Eleazar, Dorothea, you should know better."

Dorothea didn't say anything at this, not fully interested since she knows how cunning and ambitious the 2 can be. Eleazar, "When Aro wants someone from a coven it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime. It happens so rarely, I never realized it was a pattern."

Carlisle spoke next to this since he was too once involved with the Volturi once, "Apparently he always pardons at most 3 people whose thoughts he claims are repentant." / "This person always has an ability. And they're always given a place with the Guard."

Dorothea sighed knowing what Edward is going to say next and later on they are going to lose a few witnesses they tried so hard to gather. "This is all about Dorothea, Jasper, and Alice. He has no one like them."

Everyone had turned to Dorothea since the other 2 vampires being called had fled, leaving the girl alone. Not liking the awareness, Dorothea shifts away, moving away from the ground inside their house while neglecting the conversation occurring behind her, "Which is why they left."

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