Im just me

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My name is steve to some I'm ste
Known as a firefighter but also in security

Sometimes fighting fires but also working doors
Never have much time off no time to get bored

Seen some things in my time working these jobs
Helping people who need it
Sometimes fighting with knobs

Both jobs have their rewards have downsides too
But one thing they have in common
Is they are about protecting you

One of them is seen as angel from above
The others will see me as some kind of thug

I am just me someone who tries to be a pillar of society
Not someone of notoriety

One dressed blue the other in black
One helping people the other usually under attack

Firefighters get praised the public they love
The doorman the bouncer gets pushed and shoved

As yet unfinished

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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