Moments of Silence - Satan x Reader

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Topic: Bonding time with Satan - Satan x Reader

Characters: Satan, Y/N

Side Characters: Asmo, Quill the Shopkeeper, Barbatos, Luke

Minor Side Characters: The rest of the brothers make an apperance

Notes: A portion of texting/messaging interaction at beginning of story inspired by chat conversation between MC and Satan from "About Tomorrow" in-game. Makeover from Asmo and a date with Satan?


Another ordinary day down in the devildom. Ordinary... meaning that there's some sort of trouble that one or more of the brothers has gotten themselves caught up in once again. Although this time... you're not a part of it. You actually asked not to be a part of anything dramatic or life threatening for a while, needing a break from all the mishaps and unexpected adventures you all seem to end up going on. Instead of looking into the current situation of Mammon trying to run from Lucifer after stealing from the house to sell off... you've been reading a more than usual lately. The topics and themes for novels here in the Devildom are a bit different from those in the human world. Satan had noticed a few days ago that you're reading more and more frequently, and asked if you would like any book suggestions. You said you would and thanked him, and had planned to go out tomorrow so that you two can go around and look for new books for you, and for himself as well.

As you're getting ready for bed, you get a text on your D.D.D. from someone, but decide to ignore it for now, and check it after you're done showering and brushing your teeth. After your shower, you try out a skin care product that Asmo recommended which you struggled putting on. You finish freshening up after about an hour, and look for your book to sit down and read again. As you sit down on your bed, you get another text which reminds you about the first one that you haven't checked yet. You pick up your phone and see that both messages are from Satan.

Satan: Hello Y/N, I just want to check in and make sure you remember that we're going outside tomorrow to find you books. I wouldn't mind finding some for myself as well. Would you like to leave in the morning? Or perhaps you'd like to go later on the day, say around after lunch?

You smile at the thought of how considerate Satan is, despite his scarily happy demeaner he first greeted you with upon meeting for the first time when you were brought to the Devildom. You're typing out your response, but remember that you haven't read the second message yet. It reads:

Satan: ... I suppose you are ignoring me because you don't want to leave the house with me. I understand if that's what you want Y/N, I'm used to this treatment from my brothers so don't worry, it doesn't bother me.

Your heart grows sad after reading that. You quickly text back explaining how you didn't see the first message for a while because you were getting ready for bed and forgot to check it until you just sat down. Setting your phone down, you pick up your book to resume from where you left off, when you already get a response back from him.

Satan: Ah, I see. I apologize for assuming this situation. As I stated, I'm used to this from my brothers, so it hadn't crossed my mind yet that you may have been occupied at the moment.

Satan: So, we're still going to get book together tomorrow correct?

Y/N: Yes, of course! I'm excited to go out with you!

Satan: Great, I am also looking forward to going out with you.

The feeling of relief washes over you as you have quickly cleared up the misunderstanding that there was. You hear another ping from your phone, and smile as you read the new messages.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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