its chewsday innit

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It had been early in the morning, far too early some may argue, when Hannah had begun her day. Her boss was a douche canoe, the work was boring, and she was criminally underpaid. "Who needs food when you have coffee?" she thought to herself, while making the trip home
"EVERYONE the answer is everyone!!! and yet where is the money to AFFORD FOOD??!"

After an entire day of hard work, Hannah was exhausted, slightly angry, and very hungry. And she thought
"Damn I could really go for some kfc right now," as she boarded the wrong bus.
She paid her bus fair, sat down, and expecting a long ride, fell asleep.
      *** time skip from the koolaid man***
When hannah awoke, it was to the bus driver yelling out that this was the last stop on the line.  she stood and walked outside, blearily watching as the bus sped away.

It was only when she turned to walk towards her house, that she realized something was wrong. Hannah fervently glanced around and found the scenery unrecognizable. She was lost as hell.

She pulled out her phone and checked google maps, no reception.
"well fuck"
The next option was to try and look for an open business who could point her in the right direction. But, as she looked at the time and saw it was 10:14, Hannah doubted she would have much luck. There really weren't any other options though, so she went on her merry way.

All of the shops directly around the bus stop were closed, but it seemed to be a predominantly business street, so there had to be something, right?
    ***time skip from dabis staple supplier***
Wrong. It had been at least 30 minutes, but Hannah tried to avoid checking the time so as to make her battery last longer. The further she walked, the more she lost hope. And as the street lamps became more sparse, hannah found herself with a strange sense of dread.

She supposed it was just because of the cold. She hadn't intended to be out this late, so she wasn't very warm, her ashy knees filled with tremors.

Eventually the lights disappeared all together, and she walked with no sense of where or what was happening. With not so much as a squeak of warning, Hannah was suddenly yanked into an alleyway that she had passed unknowingly.

Hannah shrieked in fear as her assailant shoved her body into a rough wall. A flashlight was turned on, and she realized there were two men trapping her.

One had a mutant quirk which covered him in spikes. Hannah (read as: author) couldn't remember the word for it, but he reminded her of those little spiky balls that fall from trees. The other was tanned with hulking muscles. His quirk wasn't immediately obvious.

"Oi gimme your wallet!" The second man ordered in a surprisingly high pitched voice. it was rather disconcerting given his build.
"Wha- why?? I don't even have any money!"
"She doesn't have any money hah?" Spike man said. "Who the fuck sent you, bitch? everyone round here knows about the toll."

Hannah's silence was answer enough. She did not know about the toll.

"Its simple, you pay us, we don't hurt you! Theres no police, no heroes to stop us so its a win-win" Spikey man explained
"well, since you have no money, I guess you'll just hafta pay us some other way..." the big guy leered

"excuse me bitch what-" was all Hannah got out before getting a rough kick in the side, and another to the head.

Hannah prepared herself for worse, but her attackers froze when the alley became lit with blue flames. Through the flames came what looked like a corpse that bathed in trash, and then raided 12 hot topics. the mysterious stranger was incredibly attractive, with his open wounds, held together only by medical staples, and the musky scent of rotting flesh he carried.
"Who the fuck do you think you are hah??!" The spikey man yelled.

The human equivalent of beef jerkey didnt even flinch.
"Dabi. League of Villains," The two men and Hannah drained of color. "I've got business with her so shoo"
They ran.
Dabi, sauntered on closer to Hannah, not even giving her a chance to move from the wall. He crowded in closer to her, and she got a strong whiff of his scent of death. It was intoxicating and terrifying. Hannah's ashy knees shook once again as she was cornered by dabi, who massively towered over her.

"Whats wrong little mouse, too scared to speak?"
"i- little mouse??"
"You do seem to be acting rather shy right now"
"aCTING RATHER SHY, bitch im just a fuckin civilian who got kabedoned  by villains twice in the last 10 minutes IM NOT GONNA STRIKE UP A CONVO ABT MY DAY BITCH"
"awww how cute," dabi cooed "so you're a kitten, and with such pretty claws too"
"You, sir, are psychotic." Hannah said, dead serious.
"Yeah, but dont i make it look good?"

Hannah was about to make a comeback, when her stomach suddenly growled cutting herself off. She blushed, ashamed.
Dabi sighed "tch, come with me."
He grabbed Hannah's wrist and started to walk briskly.
"Mcdonalds, its the only place open right now."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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