Chapter 4~we'll get through this together

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Regina POV
"Oh my" "what's the matter Regina lye back done you've hurt your back"Emma sadly said. "Emma do you need some help" Mary Margaret said with baby Neil in her arms.
"you and David can go home I'll stay with Regina tonight".
"okay" Margaret said in a awkward tone.
After David and Mary Margaret left me and Emma sit around talking about Henry.
"I just wish I could have stopped him" I say with tears in my eyes.
"its not your fault" she says as I let her put her arms around me.
"come on Regina we can talk about Henry while your in bed" she says helping me off the couch safely.
When she places me on my bed after carrying me all the way upstairs,I notice the bandage had fallen off my cut on my back.
ow ow ow" I say in pain
"do I need to change it"
"that won't be necessary miss Swan"
"yes Regina at least let me look at it"
"fine Miss Swan but just look at it"
"ok I won't touch it" she says as she barely lifts up my shirt.
"oh we need to put a another bandage on it right now" she says as she reaches for the bandages.
"you can put on the bandage but that's it"
"ok ok" she said as she puts my shirt back down.
"ok well if you don't mind im going to sleep now" I say as Emma walks to the door.
"wait Emma will you stay with me"

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