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"I hate you"
I've said it a million times before, but I've never meant it as much as I do right now.

"And what are you going to do about it Ines? Leave? And go fucking where? I'm the only thing you have! Without me, you are nothing!" He slurs, tossing his empty beer bottle somewhere in the room.

He's right, I have nothing. I escaped an abusive household when I was 14, I climbed out my bedroom window and never looked back.

When I met him, Vincent, he promised me I would never have to suffer another day in my life, but that, among other things was a short lived lie.

"I promise you Vincent, that when I walk out that door, I'm never coming back"
Tears threaten to leave my eyes.

"Oh don't use that empty threat anymore nessy, you love me! You need me! You..., you need this!" he motions around the destroyed room that minutes prior looked somewhat decent.

"No Vin, what I need, and what you promised me all those years ago, is a stable home! A place where I wouldn't need to be scared anymore, a place where I'm loved and actually wanted! You promised me the world but have just shown me hell!"

After leaving my parents I ended up homeless for 3 weeks, that was until I met Vincent.

I was outside a mini-mart, waiting for it to close so I could ask the workers for the leftover food that didn't sell.

A tall blonde man walked up next to me and offered me a cigar, i accepted it in hopes of it keeping me warm that winter night.  He eventually left but came back the following day, and the day after that, and the day after that. 

Vincent eventually caught on to the fact that I was homeless and offended me a place to stay, that place being his mobile home in a shitty trailer park. 

I was beyond grateful with Viny, he was like my guardian angle. 
I thanked god everyday for sending me a man to care for me.

A few years passed by of me and Vincent being together when something changed.

I remember staying up late one night worried sick because Vincent hadn't come home, when all of a sudden he bursted in through the front door drunk shitless, nothing but lust and desire in his eyes.

I've blocked out events from that night for my own good, I blocked those event because my brain failed to understand how someone I truly loved and trusted could hurt me so badly.

He destroyed me more then anything my parents could've ever done to me could.

Viny had changed from a sweet and genuine guys to a drunk that only cared about drugs and sex.

I knew I had to leave but I couldn't, he was the only thing I had.

Even after all of the horrendous things he had done to me, I still had hopes that the old Viny would come back, so I stayed.

I stayed a couple of more years, but that's when he started to become even more abusive.

Now I know I have to leave, my mind is set.

I can't stay any longer with my abuser.

"Well what did you think Ines? That you were going to stay here for free? No! You have to pay me back somehow, and until then, you stuck with this" he starts to stumble towards me, making me instantly back up.

"This isn't you! Viny STOP!" He harshly grabs onto my arms, pulling me closer as he forcefully starts to kiss my neck.

"Viny please stop," I whisper, he didn't listen, instead, he started kissing me harder

"Vincent I said STOP!" I bring my knee up quickly, hitting him where it hurts the most.
I push him off of me and run to the kitchen cabinet grabbing all of my savings.

"Ines that's mine!" He gets back up looking angrier than ever, he starts to charge towards me.

I think quickly and sprint towards the tv stand opening a small box, pulling out his gun.

I had pulled out the same gun he has threatened me one too many times before.

"Oh please" he scoffs "put that thing down before you hurt yourself" he says, starting to walk towards me.

The fact that he doesn't know what I'm capable of angered me.

I take off the safety and aim the gun back at him, he immediately stopped moving as his eyes widened.

"Oh now you're scared! huh? What? Say something! Or what? Huh? Cats got your tongue?!" I laugh, waving the gun around.

I saw a switch go off in his eyes, the shocked and surprised look in his eyes turned into pure anger and hatred.

He starts to walk towards me again, picking up speed as he went.

Fear crawled back up to my chest and without thinking aimed the gun towards his feet and pulled the trigger.

He quickly dropped to the ground pulling his hands over his head.

"Ines are you FUCKING CRAZY!" He yelled into the ground.

Adrenaline rushed through my veins, a new sense of bravery took over my body.

" that Vincent, was a warning shot. If I were you I would stay on the fucking ground before the next bullet goes through my head".

"Fucking hell Ines, you're going to pay for this" he says staying on the ground.

I quickly run around the house grabbing what ever I could. I stuffed a backpack with my passport, a change of clothes, and the money I grabbed earlier. I managed to also sneak his phone into to bag.

"I regret ever letting you step foot into my house" he says looking up at me.

"And I regret ever thinking you were a good person" I throw the backpack over my shoulders while slipping on some shoes and heading towards the door.

I heard him start to move again so I shot a final shot into the ceiling, he dropped back down to the ground and with that I left, only this time I didn't secretly climb out my window, I left right
through the front door.

Once I was outside of the house I ran.

I ran as fast as I could.

It's what I do best after all.

I run.

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Hitchhiker • Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now