New Beginnings

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Natasha was lost in thought, the weight of Carol's words heavy on her mind. Was it worth risking everything to bring Wanda back? To her, it was an unequivocal yes. But Steve, and the fortunate few who knew Wanda before Thanos, might not see it the same way. Carol was new to their circle, and Natasha had to respect that differing judgments might arise. Still, bringing Wanda back was proof that traversing between worlds was possible, even bringing someone back with them. Yet, the potential for catastrophic consequences loomed large, and they wouldn't know until it was too late.

She glanced up at Steve, who was still holding Wanda securely. They passed Wanda's bedroom, and Natasha's heart ached at the thought of leaving the girl alone.

Entering the room, Steve carefully laid Wanda on her back on the bed. With a gentle hand on Natasha's back, he helped her slide off the matching uniform Wanda had been wearing, leaving her in the white nightgown they'd found her in.

"Nat, why don't you hop in the shower? I'll stay with her," Steve said softly, rubbing Natasha's back as she looked down at Wanda.

"I don't want to leave her, Steve. What if something—"

"If something happens, I'll be here to protect her, like I always have," Steve said firmly, turning Natasha to face him, his hands comforting on her shoulders.

Natasha hesitated, her mind racing with uncertainty. "Fine, but don't hesitate to pull me out if things go south."

"Trust me, with all the power we have in this place, she'll be fine," Steve reassured her.

Watching Natasha head to the bathroom, Steve stood guard over Wanda, who remained motionless on the bed. Natasha had removed Wanda's jewelry, placing it on the kitchen table to avoid any harm while she slept.

As Steve reached out to touch Wanda's arm, she abruptly woke, her body jerking upright. Her breathing was frantic as she stared at Steve, silent and visibly distressed. Steve backed away slightly, hands raised in a gesture of peace. "Wanda, calm down. It's okay."

Wanda's eyes darted around, fear and confusion evident. She remained mute, her hands clenched at her sides as she struggled to control her breathing.

The sound of a knock at the door startled both Steve and Wanda. Tony burst in, his eyes quickly moving from his iPad to the volatile situation in front of him. "Hey, I was thinking we could head to the safe house while Banner finds the—" He looked up to see Wanda glaring at him, her face a storm of rage and anguish. "—stones... shit." Tony hastily closed the door behind him, retreating quickly.

Wanda sprang from the bed, rushing toward the door. Natasha, freshly emerged from the shower, grabbed her around the waist. "What the hell, Rogers? You're supposed to be watching her!" Natasha's voice was sharp, trying to restrain Wanda, who was struggling and screaming intermittently.

"She's supposed to be asleep still. The time jump must have messed with the sedative they gave her!" Steve shouted over Wanda's shrieks, trying to catch her flailing hands.

"What did you do?!" Natasha demanded, struggling to hold onto Wanda.

"All I did was touch her arm. Tony's the one she's after!" Steve defended himself.

Wanda's screams grew louder, her body fading from Natasha's grip as she vanished, leaving no trace behind. Both knew she was after Tony.

Tony raced down the hallway, his Iron Man suit assembling around him as he sprinted toward the living room, where the rest of the team was gathered.

"Guys, we have a problem," Tony announced, fully suited up.

Before anyone could ask questions, Wanda appeared a few feet away from Tony. Her white nightgown transformed into her full war outfit—the sharp, pointy gown, jumpsuit, cape, and all. Tony might not want a fight, but Wanda was more than ready.

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