Prologue: Six years Later

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Love. Love encompasses a Range of Strong and Positive Emotional and Mental states from the Most Sublime Virtue or Good Habit, the Deepest Interpersonal Affection to the Simplest Pleasure When it comes to Human Relationship, but who said Humans were the Only ones who can Feel this Lovely Emotion? Some Animals can Feel this way too and so can Medabots, and Today...I Will tell you the Story of Two Different Bots a Medabot and a Kilobot how they Fell in Love, It all Started Six years ago, It Started when the Kilobot Blackbeetles Medafighter Kam Linked her and the KWG Roks minds Together that one Time when they were Trying to Solve the Riddle to the Medaforce but the Poor Kilobot couldn't use the Medaforce like Roks could Because Her Medal wasn't Anything like Roks, Plus her Medafighter Kam only saw Blackbeetle as a Tool and Doesn't see in her as a Friend like how most Humans should see in their Medabots then Just Mere Toys ,Roks and Blackbeetle were also Short circuiting and were on a Rampage that one time in the Extreme lab tech, but the Friendship of Rok's Friends Including his Medafighter Zuru, Roks was Free from the Spell the Spell that was Blackbeetle, When Roks Broke free It was at that Moment when she Saw the True Power of the Medaforce Convinced of the Truth but not only that when she Saw, the Medaforce It was so Beautiful In fact it was the Most Beautiful thing that she Ever Saw, But it wasn't the Only Beautiful thing that she Had Witnessed the Other Beautiful thing that had Met her Eye...was Roks, Roks took pity on the Poor Kilobot who has been Treated like a Slave and Abused by her Medafighter, he Became her Friend and Even Saved her Life from the Gryphon Kilobot Instead of Originally Destroying her Medal, Blackbeetle was Grateful. Grateful for those who Gave her Hope and that their was More to Life then just Being a Slave she was Grateful to Miss Nae, When she didn't knew what Emotions or Feelings were Miss Nae told her of what Feelings were, Because wasn't anything like the other Kilobots and unlike the other Kilobots she had Emotions, she can feel Happy Sad and even Angry, Ikki Metabee Ginkai Archdash Zuru and Roks, they all Saved her and her Medafighter from Destroying them Both they all Saved them from being Killed, and Though Kam was Mean to her and Wanted to turn her into the Gryphon and Maybe she was Afraid of Him that one time Blackbeetle forgives him, When Kam was Four His Mother Died from a Mysterious Illness and his Father was Never there for Him which then Turned the Poor Child into a Cold Hearted Kid, and Because Kam was a Cruel Sarcastic Cheating child he Barely had any Friends only Followers, he was Cruel to any Kilobot he Made and Had Not having Pity on them and Eventually Trashing them even Blackbeetle who was the Most Loyale to him, and after a Near Death Experience at the Old Kilobot Factory the Boy had a Change of Heart and Reconciles with his Blackbeetle and soon Becomes Friends with Ikki and the Others (you'd have to watch season three for yourselves to Understand, the Medabot Episodes should still be on Youtube just type in Medabots) Because of Ikki and his Friends Blackbeetle has never had a Happier Life but to the one whom she Thanked the Most was Roks, Roks was the one who Showed the True meaning of the Medaforce It Manifests from the Power of Friendship and in their Mind when they were still Linked Together, He was Holding her in his Arms Like how a Groom would Carry his Bride, the Medaforce that she saw Before her was like Outer space with the Stars and the Planets and the Moon Oh, How they Faintly Glow it was so Pretty, and in that Moment when she Looked at Roks she Felt Something around him that she Had never Felt Before, but what was it? Whatever it was It felt Warm Very Warm like a Happy Feeling, and that Folks, Is where...the Medabots Love Story Begins!

(Six Years later)

Kam? Kam! Wake up! we're Gonna be Late! Blackbeetle said Gently shaking Kam outta Bed, Kam groaned a Bit and Groggily got out of Bed He stretched his Arms and Back and Yawned a Bit, Good Morning Blackbeetle Kam said to Blackbeetle, Here! Blackbeetle handed Kam a Tray which had Bacon and Eggs on the Left side and Pancakes and Waffles covered in Butter and Syrup on the Right Side of the Tray, Me and Eddie made these for You! Blackbeetle Gleefully said Eddie Cooked the Eggs While I Worked on the Waffles and Pancakes!, Really? Thank you Blackbeetle that was Very Kind of You! Kam Happily said and Took the Tray of Food, he Began Eating it starting off with the Waffles and Pancakes, Do you like it? Blackbeetle asked. Are you Kidding me?! Blackbeetle Flinched and Even Saddened a bit thinking that He Might've not Liked the Food that was Given to him she Couldn't have been more Wrong...This is the Best Thing I've Ever Tasted! Thanks Blackbeetle! Kam said with a Happy Glee, R-Really? Blackbeetle stuttered Well then Your Welcome Kam! I'm Glad that you Liked it! Blackbeetle said Happily, as a Matter of Fact I Love it! Kam Replied go tell Eddie I said Thanks since he made this too, Sure Thing Kam!

Medabots Love Story: Blackbeetle x RoksWhere stories live. Discover now