Ceageis - Stupid, Together

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[Cea! Kit (cannon ending x Ageis]

Requested by: M e.

Since I'm in the mood, why not start of with something simple? So, I went with one of the cannon ships in the Aura: Series. Enjoy, (I guess)?


3rd POV

Since about a week ago, Ageis had had enough of Wrath. I mean, who wouldn't be frustrated about a parasite bent on world domination? In Retrospect, that's a problem that isn't one usually dealt with.
But, I don't think that's our topic for right now. Ageis sat in the empty space, that was her consciousness. Wrath had been going on and on and on about multiversal takeover and such, until; Ageis had an idea.
Without haste, she punched herself.

'HEY! That hurt y'know.'

'So it d o e s Hurt you! Haha! So if I were to break my bones, would you feel it?'


And so, within a couple hours, Ageis was in the hospital.

Ageis' POV;

I mean, the hospital isn't that bad; besides the fact that this full body cast is a pain, and itchy, and I can't move a muscle. But, it'll all be worth it,,,,eventually. But, Cea's got this deadpanned look on her face. And when Cea's sad,,,I'm sad too-

'Dude. You could've just,,healed yourself.'

'but,,,I don't wannaa-'

'Give me a good reason as to why you think it wouldn't end well.'

'Then Wrath won't leave me aloonnee,,,'

'Ever since I was hospitalized, I haven't heard them talk about a single domination plan!'

'That's,,, not really a good reason.'

'But it issss-'

Cea just had a disappointed face. I've gotten pretty good at telling the slight changes in cea's very-hard-to-notice expressions. I'd even say I'm the best at guessing them. I think. Well-

Hmmm. Come to think of it,,, this wasn't as good of an idea as I thought.

'Anyways, I brought some flowers. Not sure what types of flowers they are.'

'They look like buttercups!'

'Hm. Guess they are. Tyson and Mira asked me to send them to you.'

'Oh, and I got a note from your mom. You can read it if you want.'

'Uhhh, I don't have the movement in my arms to do it. Could you read it for me? Preetyyy Pleeaasee?'

'Fine. But only because you asked.'

'Dear Ageis; Stop being stupid and heal yourself already. These medical bills are a nightmare. Not very kind regards; -C.'

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