Swear Your Life For Her

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"You requested to see me, Sire?"

"Yes, young mage. The princess feels she is now of age to journey outside the castle walls, outside the realm, but her mother and I worry. What with the War Between Realms and all. I request that you follow her, but keep your distance because if she knows I sent you after her it will not bode well for me. I do not wish to feel hate from my daughter. I ask you, Mage, nay, I implore you to accompany her with discretion. Swear your life to protect my daughter at all costs, but you shall only reveal yourself to her if she is in grave danger. Do you understand?"

He kneeled before his king. "Yes my King, you have my word. I will lay down my life if need be to keep the princess safe from any who would wish her ill or cause her harm."

"I'm very glad. Thank you Mage."

"Anything for my princess and my kingdom." He stood back up.

"One more thing, Mage Minkus."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"If you find that your heart is pulling towards my daughter-" The king paused making the mage gulp slightly as he became nervous. "-kindly remove yourself from her side. I will send someone else in your place."

The mage, Farkle Minkus, tried to hide his sadness by closing his eyes briefly. "Understood, My King. I will not fail you or my kingdom. I swear."

The king nodded and Farkle took his leave from the throne room to find the princess before she could make it to the interdimensional portal.


"Ah, the Rogue Warrior, Friar. Just who I wanted to see."

"Anything for you, My Lord." Lucas Friar said with a bow to his King.

"I want you to swear to lay down your life for my daughter." He growled.

"Not to be difficult, My Lord, but don't I always put my life at risk for her."

"Yes, you have done so in the past, but this is different. I am sending her out of this realm and I need you to go with her. Protect her from everyone."

He smirked. "Sure thing, but why ya kicking her out? Is she being difficult again? I can talk to her for ya, King."

"No. She is in danger. Here as well as anywhere else. Protect her. Swear."

The rogue warrior yanked his sword out of the sheath on his back and used the tip to prick his finger. He knelt to the floor. "I swear my life, with my blood, to protect the princess at all costs. To my dying breath. Til my bones become part of the earth. My princess, my life, my kingdom. I swear." He recited as he drew a pentagram on the floor and circled it.

It glowed bright red, then disappeared into the ground. The king leaned forward on his throne. "If you allow any harm to come to my daughter I will slaughter everyone you love before taking your life. Understand?"

"Understood, but you know I don't have anyone left to love." He grinned as if it was no big deal, but even the king could tell his grin was pained.

The king sat back on his throne again. He tapped his long claw-like nails against the arm of his throne. "Rogue, if my daughter becomes someone to love, then I implore you to-"

"Keep my distance. Don't even think about it. I got it, Chief." He nodded and waved as he started walking off.

"Rogue!" The king called out making him turn back around again. "If you want her hand you'll have to prepare for the throne as well. Don't fail me."

"I understand. I will not fail you."

When he left the castle he looked out at all the damage, the debris and soot floating threw the air as if the ash was snow. He could smell the putrid stench of sulfur and dried blood. He coughed as he ran, sword in hand, to rescue his princess and take her to any realm other than their own where she would hopefully be safe.

"Maya! Lady Maya!" He shouted when he finally reached her. He grabbed her hand and started running with her. "Come on! It's not safe here anymore! We have to leave this realm!" He yelled as he ran to the portal that would take them away.

"Leave?! But our people! Rogue Friar, slow down! Unhand me you brute! What is the meaning of this?!" She started to cough as they ran through the polluted air. "Friar!" She coughed.

"Don't breathe until we're free!"

When they reached the portal he could hear the shouts of pain and sorrow behind him, but worse than that he heard the shouts of traitors.

"Go! Go now!" He yelled as he shoved her through the portal. "I'll catch up!" He yelled out to her then he sliced the heads off of two angry men with his sword before leaping into the portal.


Princess Riley Matthews of The Cristal Kingdom entered the portal with a smile of wonder upon her face, her brows raised with awe and her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she walked out into a whole new realm. Their kingdom was The Venus Kingdom, known for it's beauty. Princess Riley had only ever seen the beauty in books before, but now she wanted to see the meadow of tulips for herself.

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