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Stranger 1: Once upon a time

Stranger 2: HOW ABOUT

Stranger 2: he tells a story

Stranger 2: ..

Stranger 1: There was a peacful town

Stranger 1: And in that peacful town

Stranger 1: There was an evil soul

Stranger 2: wowowow

Stranger 2: stop right there

Stranger 2: Peacefull town

Stranger 2: with an evil soul

Stranger 2: where is the logic in that? :d

Stranger 1: But that evil soul did no harm

Stranger 2: M'kay

Stranger 2: go on

Stranger 1: He threatened and scolded

Stranger 1: Everyone who was in his way

Stranger 1: Even the children

Stranger 1: Even the elderly

Stranger 1: Then one day

Stranger 1: Things changed...

Stranger 1: Everyone turned evil in that town

Stranger 2: ;o

Stranger 1: Except one

Stranger 1: The only evil soul was now the only good soul

Stranger 1: He tried to leave

Stranger 1: But they wouldn't let him

Stranger 1: No one was allowed to leave that small town

Stranger 1: Nothing that had a heart beat ever left that town

Stranger 1: And after many years

Stranger 1: A stranger happened to find that lost town

Stranger 1: He loved it

Stranger 1: But it wasn't until midnight

Stranger 1: When he noticed something strange

Stranger 1: He awoke to a knocking

Stranger 1: There were 3 people at the door

Stranger 1: All pale, and and skinny to the bone

Stranger 1: He asked "what do you kind folks want?"

Stranger 1: But he got no response

Stranger 1: They just stared at him

Stranger 1: Motionless

Stranger 1: And he stared back

Stranger 1: Into there dark filled eyes

Stranger 1: A chill went down his spine

Stranger 1: He then slowly closed the door

Stranger 1: *click*

Stranger 1: He was pitch darkness

Stranger 1: The only light source was the full moon that eminated through the windows

Stranger 1: As he turned around

Stranger 1: Not hearing a sound

Stranger 1: Not even a creak from the floorbourds

Stranger 1: He barely saw, those same 3 people

Stranger 1: It was to dark to tell

Stranger 1: "How'd you get in?" He asked

Stranger 1: They just stared at him

Stranger 1: With there glowing red eyes

Stranger 1: He then turned around to open the door to run

Stranger 1: He ran through the streets

Stranger 1: And as he ran more people started to come out from the shadows

Stranger 1: Then he heard a car behind him

Stranger 1: The headlights nearly blinding

Stranger 1: He was filled with horror

Stranger 1: As the car came closer

Stranger 1: And closer

Stranger 1: And closer

Stranger 1: The car rushed by him

Stranger 1: And came to screeching stop

Stranger 1: The passenger door opened

Stranger 1: And someone yelled "Get in!"

Stranger 1: He scrambeled to the car

Stranger 1: He said thankyou repeatedly

Stranger 1: For saving his life

Stranger 1: But the man behind the wheel just nodded and drove

Stranger 1: He just continued down the road

Stranger 1: It seemed like the road never ended

Stranger 1: And do you know what?

Stranger 1: That man behind the wheel, was the last good soul in that town

Stranger 1: The last good soul explained, that every full moon

Stranger 1: They would sacrafice a new comer

Stranger 1: And if not

Stranger 1: They all would be sent into endless darkness

Stranger 1: But the good soul agreed to try and escape that town

Stranger 1: To leave

Stranger 1: Wih him

Stranger 1: Then as he said that

Stranger 1: The car stopped

Stranger 1: And the engine wouldn't start

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