Shifting tips

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You can shift without these tips but these tips just make it easier for me.

* write a script 

* use a method

* stay hydrated

* meditate in the mornign and before you shift

* if you shift to hogwarts, you can watch scenes of it on youtube.

* wath shifting story video's for motivation

* do it at night because then it's quiet

* stay motivated

* eat balanced meals

* use a shifting routine, here is mine and you can use it too. (i shift to hogwarts)

1. go do chores

2. meditate

3. drink

4. listen to your shifting playlist

5. go make yourself ready for bed (go shower etc.)

6. watch video's about your DR

7. read your script 3 times

8. shift

Those were my tips, I hope this helps and good luck shifting!

The rest of this "Book" will be about methods.

remember shifting is very easy so you don't need any of those tips, but it makes it easier and it gives you more motivation!

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