There are times you want be seen for who you are your pain your rawness sometimes you wish no one could see you you have happy moments you love your family and friends but sometimes when dish crashes to the floor or door shuts car reeves up voice too loud I'm there darkness clouds surrounded me I'm in storm being pulled left right I get lost so fast I know you mean no harm but I'm a victim of past I can't forget before I was damaged I was so free loved to go do but slowly sh
it happens before you know it you withdraw become distant sad mad hopeless scared as you grow you seem to keep finding that things all what they seem you wonder where is the good in people why do they not see that hurting others is not the way but you keep growing finding yourself responsible for children of your own one day you escape the man that swore to love you but broke you you find yourself free again get place raise your children one day he comes alone your scared to believe there is love kindness but he is true heart you just need to stay patient with me remember I'm just trying to repair my broken edges I'm special worth every penny of time I'm broken but beautiful my pieces have edges and rough spots but still holds flowers just as good I know you have past too pain anger inside but you need to remember I got you I'm not your enemy I'm your angel who's trying to make something beautiful to be so I just need to BREATHE BREATHE BREATHE......