Friday Night Funkin: The Adventure - Part One

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Skid: [narrating] So, it all started at the tutorial. Keith was vibing, so was girlfriend. When suddenly, Lemon Demon came in and stole a microphone. This is how it played out:

Lemon Demon: Give me back that microphone!

Keith: Beep? Bosh boop beeping bee? (Lemon? Why are you doing this?)

[Keith passes the mic to Skid, then Pump, then Girlfriend and finally Pico.]

Lemon Demon: If you give it to me, I'll give you a dime.

Skid: A dime?

Pump: I think we need this.

Lemon Demon: Dime means MERCY!

[pico dodges]

Pico: This microphone makes the Friday Night Funkin Community what it is! Without it, the world will be chaotic!

Lemon Demon: Very well then. You all leave me no choice. [Pulls up a bottle filled with pink gas. He throws it] NYEH!

[Everyone screams upon getting brought up into the air. They all get thrown, somewhere far away.]

Lemon Demon: [chuckles] Guess sometimes I make myself laugh. [Runs off with the microphone. It fades back to skid's unconscious face.]

Girlfriend: [offscreen] Skid? Skid, wake up!

[skid groans as he gets up.]

Skid: Oh...what happened?

Girlfriend: Lemon Demon threw a potion at us. I don't know what it did, but the next thing I knew, we ended up here.

Skid: oh. Where's pump?

[Cuts to everyone seen earlier, as Pump is lying on his Side. Pico is helping Keith up.]

Skid: Pump? [Walks over to him] Pump, wake up.

Keith: Beep? (Skid?)

Skid: Yes?

Keith: Beep boop beep...beep. (I think he's...dead.)

[Skid tears up]

Pico: (mind: here he comes.)


Pump: ...ugh...

Keith: Beep boop beep. (Nevermind.)

Skid: Pump! You're awake!

[Pump opens his eyes, showing that his left eye is blue.]

Pump: Am I in heaven? I never seen a place this disastrous before.

Girlfriend: No, you're not in heaven. We are in the rocky area.

Pump: [Gets up] Alright then. It's about time i put this on. [Puts on a headband]

Keith: Beep? Bosh beep boop boop beep? (Pump? What are you going to do with that?)

Pump: You'll see.

Pico: I'm starting to like this new Pump.

Pump: And besides, I don't need people like these anymore.

[Everyone gasps.]

Pico: You know what? I take it back. Where's the restart button?

Skid: Pump? Am I still you're friend?

Pump: Yes, but we don't need Girlfriend, Beep boop beep and Pico anymore. [Activates his grabbing hook, with skid in hands] Adios. [Falls down]

Keith: BEEP! BOOP! (Skid! Pump!)

Girlfriend: I don't get it. Why would Pump turn on us like a wolf?

Pico: It's probably because of that potion.

Girlfriend: Yeah, but we where all supposed to be friends with him forever. [starts to cry a little.]

Pico: Oh no girlfriend. Don't start up those tears. If you cry, then I will cry, and my og fans who played Pico's School can't see that.

Keith: Beep Boop beep booop! (Were wasting time! Do we want Pump and Skid back safe and sound or not?)

Pico: Oh yeah. That. Well, let's get our clothings ready because we are getting some children back!

Girlfriend: Okay.

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