The mall scene, but differant

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—Shigarkai POV—

"Here I am, in this overly populated mall trying to get my new game. It's stupid, everyone's talking about stain! What about me! I was the one who released the Nomus at Hosu! ME!
I just want to get my game and get out of here. "*sigh*"
That sounded familiar.. then I saw him, Izuku Midoriya! This is wonderful! My day has just gotten ten times better! I wonder if he knows why no one has taken notice to the LOV since the Stain incident.

I walked closer to him, he haven't seen me, wonderful!
Ive decided to just put my hand round his neck, don't want him calling for back up now, do I? His breath got caught with n his throat, I felt it! He hasn't said anything so I decided to spook him, "Guess who~"

Then something strange happened, he said 'kacchan'. I didn't know who that was but I don't care.

We continued our conversation until it was interrupted by his little gravity friend. I felt him be after that. He told me the whole route of my problems is All Might! He has to die! Not just for the sake of it, but because if he's gone then we will have no issues at all!"
Everyone was looking at me after I had told them what had just happened at the mall. They had this confused yet curios face. Why? I didn't say anything out of the ordinary.

Then if hit me. Someone before me named 'kacchan' has strangled the wanna be hero, to the point he just doesn't react hugely to being strangled.

—Dabi's POV—

With the look on crusty's face, what he just told us about this 'Midoriya' kid has just settled in.
"So, what should we do. We obviously want to know more but for him to act like that, to react so small to being strangled then come out with a different name when asked 'guess who' is obvious signs of abuse. And from what you've told us about the boy and from the sports festival, it looks like he never gets time to wind down or de-stress."
I stated calmly hoping these morons caught on to what I was laying out on the table. "I understand, he's our new priority. Next attack, we kidnap him. No one injure him got it?!" Handy spoke. But before I could reply, crazy spoke what I'm assuming to be the words in every ones head. "Of course I won't hurt him! I'd never hurt my new baby!" Of course some of us had a different choice of words but he gets the idea. "Then it's settled, next time you see him, no matter what you are
doing or how big of a mission you are on, you knock him out take him and run. Understood?!"
We all agreed with a small noise of acknowledgment.

This is going to be interesting.

Hello! Thank you for reading this book! I'm having fun making it! Just a warning, if you don't like or know what Age Regression is then don't read any further or if your interested then look it up! I'm not sure what ship I will end up with for this book but there will be one. Most likely gay.

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