Chapter 1

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   There I was. age 11, laying in the hospital bed with a tube in my nose helping me breathe. The doctors determined that I had Leukemia starting in my lungs that is progressively getting worse by the minute.

   I've been through so many different treatments and medications that would not work enough to stop it. As I was getting way worse, my lungs decided that  they wanted to fill up with water and make me struggle to get air in and out; and then I remember blacking out after but that's it.

  I woke up apparently the next day and my parents had told me that I was losing my time very quickly and that I was their strong little girl and that it was okay to let go, so I let my eyes shut slowly thinking that was it and they were going to be the last thing that I was going to see before dying, I was so exhausted.

  The next few days progressively started to change out of the blue. The new medication that they had started me on as a last resort finally kicked in and started working. This drug was known to not work in like seventy-five percent of these cases, but magically it just randomly started to work on me. As I got older, I have to take seven prescription meds three times a day everyday (I'm like the Keith Richards of cancer kids). My doctor and my parents are trying to get me to go to a local support group at our church for kids with cancer to be there for one another during this scary time in our lives. I finally gave in to my mothers requests of going to group and giving it a try.

   My mom brought me to the church and dropped me off. Little did I know she would wait in the parking lot while I was in there.

  I lugged my oxygen tank downstairs and sat in the massive circle of chairs. I kept quiet for the most part and listened to all of these kids different stories.

  After group is done, I go out to the parking lot and mom brings me home. Once we get home, she makes dinner and I read my book for the rest of the night till I get tired.

   The next day I took a shower and got at least semi-decent in my favorite band t-shirt and jeans and mom brings me to the church. As I started to walk to the church, I hear my mom tell me to make some friends. I walked into the church and I rolled my tank to the elevator but someone had already gone down as I got there. I began walking to the stairs when I bumped into a handsome brunette boy.

"Sorry about that." He smiles and says that it's okay. I found myself getting lost in his eyes till I realized that I probably looked like a weirdo looking at him like that. He was staring back at me till we both snapped out of it.

  He began walking in the direction of the stairs but he kept looking back at me till he ran into a wall. I giggled and he chuckled then went downstairs and group had started.   

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