The Depression Storm

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*Guidance: Physical guidance, not a mentor, but more like a big brother or big sister not a drug dealer or someone who always has a gun. We all need someone to talk to, hear our problems, don't judge, accept who we are, pray with us, show us a better way, and help us along the way, furthermore if a person wants to leave don't force them to stay. Not like a therapist who is going to charge you just to lie or sit and don't understand what you talking about unless they've been in that situation. More like a friend whom you can call on and no matter what the situation is or how bad y'all fall out they still come. Mental illness is not anything to play with, too much going on to not just leave a person with crazy thoughts. We all were brought up differently and we see things differently. It's important to reach out to another person no matter what the situation is because life is too short and you don't know when the last time you go to see that person. Go out and be somebody's physical guidance, but if it's not in your heart don't force yourself.

*Rape victims: #me too movement

We all have a past and we all have been in dark days. The hurtful thing is letting your past hurt you mentally, emotionally, and physically as well. As a child, you were just learning and exploring new things until someone foolishly came in and took advantage of you and your childhood. Growing up traumatized, It's hard for you to stay focus so you say fuck it I'm going to do what I want to know, be another statistic In the books. big head but no common sense, education is free, but don't want to learn, you a beautiful person, but don't want challenge your mind, all you thinking about sex, sex, sex all the time, doing the evil things that are destroying the minds of our young kings and queens. If you overcome it, stand up against rapists who prey on children like yourself. Children these days go through so much, because parents are not putting the belt on them, not teaching, nor setting a positive example. Plus when the child is doing wrong there is no discipline and bringing their child around somebody that doesn't know how to treat a child. Some parents are so simple-minded that they would let the government tell them how to raise their children. We have to do better and not let the devil get to us because we need each other to get through the hard times that we've been through in our past to overcome. so we can teach and empower the children of today. The world is getting worse and there are so many baby killers than ever. We all need love and help no matter how hard the situation is we have to keep pushing and teaching so that we can stand up against hate and harming children together.

*Life lesson ( you have to learn from your mistakes)

Sometimes the person that you want is not meant for you, certain people are there for you just because of what you have or what you do for them. I was a victim of being used in both ways, trying to figure out why the females that I was in love with didn't want to stay. new generations versus the old generations. I have a cycle to break and I'm trying to be different from what everybody stereotypes me to be. When you get heartbroken by a spouse it's best to keep positive, stay out of the way, keep busy, and love yourself before you try to love anyone else. Trust me I am a witness to loving females, getting dogged out, played, and being taken advantage of by them all. I wish I had some type of glasses that I can see what is the purpose of why you in my life, it will make things a whole lot better, but that is kind of judging in a way. It's best to know the person first before you jump into anything. Remember some people are there for a reason and a season. If you pay close attention to their movement some are there for a blessing and a lesson so stay focused.

*White privilege ( stop the racism )

White privilege: not to cause a race war but it this ridiculous that Bill Cosby got accused of something that happened long ago. All the time when you are a successful black man doing great everyone is going to try to bring you down with lies. It's all going back to slavery when the white woman lied on a black man to get him hurt or killed just like what happened to Emmitt til. Racism is still here and it never went anywhere. Now we have blacks going against each other but dare to say black lives matter when blacks are going against whites for Shooting and killing a black man that is so backward. All lives matter not just one race but all races, we are one in God's eyes. White privilege is going around strongly in order words a white person can get anything that they want because whites stick together like glue on the other hand blacks have so much hate for each other we just miss a blessing. Another example of white privilege when whites win more awards than blacks when it comes to actors and artists, but when it's time for blacks to win something they are half dead or older age. Some blacks turn on each other and go to the other races but dare to cross their kind. Bleaching their skin is not right especially when you are trying to blend in somewhere you don't belong. That is what you call uncle Tom or a coon when they kiss butt or try to be white instead of loving the skin they are in. White privilege is not fair how we as blacks get picked over, accused, get laid back, or pushed because of the color of our skin.

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