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The first thing he saw once he opened his eyes was a tuft of black hair that lay inches away from his face. It belonged to someone who was currently sleeping in a rather uncomfortable position, sitting on a chair next to the bed, his upper body slumped on the bedcovers under which he lay.

Where was he? And who was that?

Prince Taehyung — for it was he who had awakened — looked around for some clues. Above him was a wooden ceiling supported by strong beams, while the white walls and black timber posts gave the room a feeling of warmth and sturdiness. Soft rays of sun entering through the only window bathed the chamber in a comforting glow. He tried to sit up but woke the stranger in the process.

Round onyx eyes stared at him in shock. "You're awake!"

The prince sought to respond but his mouth was so dry he only managed to let out a small wheeze.

The other's face beamed. "I must tell Jin hyung!"

He was out the door in no time. The prince could hear footsteps going down a wooden staircase, followed by some kind of commotion below. He attempted to wriggle out of bed, feeling nauseous and weak. He took a step toward the window when he experienced an unexpected dizzy spell. His wobbly knees collapsed and he saw himself falling.

He never reached the floor though, as a pair of strong arms scooped him up before he hit the ground. "Hey! What makes you think you can get out of bed? Jin hyung gave very clear directions. You are not to move until you're fed."

The black-haired boy spoke softly, without a hint of reproach, as he made his patient comfortable. It was at that moment that a tall and handsome man wearing an apron and holding a tray showed up at the door. "Where is the poor baby in need of food? Ah! I see Kookie tucked you in. Sit up so I can feed you, dear."

Jungkook chuckled. "This is Jin hyung by the way."

Taehyung did as he was told and let the older serve him spoons of a starchy porridge.

"Here. Drink this."

The prince hadn't realized he was dying of thirst until he started gulping down the glass of water Jin held up to his chapped lips. Liquid was drizzling down his chin.

"Slow down or you might choke on your water! And we wouldn't want that. Am I right, Kookie dear?"

The black-haired boy shook his head and looked away, trying to hide the sudden blush that was heating up his cheeks.

"Truth be told, you weren't in such a great shape when Jungkook brought you in. But still. These silly town's people were convinced you were deceased."

Jin rolled his eyes at the thought. "That's when I was reminded of the reason why we don't hang out with them much. They can't even tell the difference between a corpse and a healthy body, albeit slightly malnourished. But it's nothing I can't fix."

"You mean to tell me — I haven't died and gone to heaven?" These were the first words the convalescent had uttered and they startled everyone in the room. Soon after, Jin and Jungkook burst out laughing.

"I think I like you already!" said Jin, shoving another big spoonful of porridge in Taehyung's mouth.

Downstairs, the front door opened and loud footsteps were heard. "We're ho-ome!"

Jin put the spoon in the youngster's hand. "I better take care of dinner before Grumpy gets all — grumpy. You look after our guest here."

He turned around before leaving. "By the way, what can we call you, sweetie?"

"You can just call me Taehyung."

"Taehyung. Lovely!"

And with a wink he was gone. The boy glanced at the tray, unsure as to what to do.

"So your name is Kookie?" Taehyung's voice was raspy and soft at the same time. Jungkook nodded.

"Thank you for helping me. For saving me I should say."

Jungkook didn't know how to reply so he just fed him another spoon of warm oatmeal. Taehyung was eating wholeheartedly, which was a good sign. The youngster couldn't help but stare, expecting the pale and hollow cheeks to turn pink and puffy any minute now.

Yesterday's events were still vividly replaying in his mind. The inert body lying in the dirt. The ashen locks covering a face with such graceful features his heart had skipped a beat. And the extreme lack of weight as he had lifted the passed-out boy in his arms. He was as light as a feather and even though Jungkook didn't know anything about the stranger, he had hurt at the thought of the hardships he must have endured for him to be so underweight.

"Do I have something on my face?" Taehyung asked tentatively.

That's when Jungkook realized he was still staring. "Actually you do. Right here—"

He lifted his fingers to Taehyung's lips as the other did the same, and their hands brushed.

Jungkook promptly retrieved his, averting the other's gaze. "Oh. You ate everything!"

"Yes. It was delicious!"

"Jin hyung will be happy. Is there anything I can get you?"

"Can I have some more water?"

"Of course!"

Jungkook jumped up from his chair, grabbed the tray and headed downstairs, a big smile plastered on his face.

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