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Welcome, one and all, to the weird wacky world of writer's block!

What you are about to read is a collection of short stories that I have created while under the grip of insufferable writer's block. Some of them are good. Some of them are... not. But I figured I would post them here anyway, as a sort of testament to my own progress. 

As for the content of some of these stories, I will warn you. There is mention of subjects like suicide and murder as well as depression and loneliness. If this is going to be difficult for you, I suggest maybe you skip this book entirely. I have personal struggles with all of these and I deal with it by writing about it. 

Other than that, these stories are mostly just for funsies. If you have any prompts you find, feel free to send them to me. I'm always looking for more things to write about, especially when the stuPID WRITER'S BLOCK KEEPS ME FROM WRITING THE THING I'M SUPPOSED TO BE-

(deep inhale)

Sorry about that. Anyway, on to the content! 

Prompt Writing: A Collection of Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now