The Taste Of Revolution

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Chapter 1

  Living the perfect life, never showing an ounce of imperfection, being popular and the center of attention. This is how Caleb Tarlish lived. Everyday he would wake up at 7:15 a.m and get ready for school. Caleb went to an all around ordinary high school, where he sits in the third seat from the back, in the 2nd column in Mrs.Palmer's homeroom. A juniors homeroom teacher. Caleb was well known for being smart, athletic, and handsome. Some would dare say he was the perfect man, he was chivalrous, gentle, and kind. He was popular. The highschool experience that everyone always wanted, yes Caleb was the kid who had all of it. And then there was me, Lauren Tarlish, Caleb's younger sister that has always lived in his shadow.

I know it seems ridiculous for me the person with the perfect brother to have a lousy life, but don't doubt me when I say I do. I'm constantly being compared to my brother, even the little things that shouldn't matter like how I fold my laundry gets compared to how he

folds his. I mean Caleb is tall, muscular, and charming. While I am short, chubby, and quiet. We don't look like brother and sister, we don't even look like distant cousins. I'm pretty sure even my parents can't believe I turned out like this. Why? Well, my parents were both prom king and queen in their years of highschool, while my mom went on to get a scholarship to Pennstate, and my dad to get scouted by a large company here in Pennsylvania. Then there's my brother, honor roll student since the beginning of time, blue eyed, brown haired, broad shouldered, intelligent, and super kind. My entire family is picture perfect, except for me. Compared to them, my whole existence is nothing, I get C's on every report card, my stature is short and rounded, my eyes are brown, my hair is dyed purple, and i'm just all around disappointing. I am the polar opposite of my entire family. Quiet, unpopular, and unaccomplished.

Today is exactly like any other, I wake up, get dressed, then I walk downstairs to the kitchen and grab a slice of toast off of a ceramic-glass plate.

"You know, you really should stop those eating habits."

I put down my toast, and look up, it's my mom of course. As I inhale deeply, I eye her ready to ask what her reasoning was for commenting on such a trivial matter. Really it's not like it's going to affect her, or maybe it does in some way. I honestly don't know.

"Sorry, I was just going to get something quick to eat, didn't feel like making a big breakfast." I retorted.

"No need to get so upset," Mother reasons, "I was just trying to help you make some, healthier choices."

Oh, she sure knows how to light a fire in me. I swear, everytime I do something remotely human she tells me that I should make better choices. She's such a suck up, always wagging her tail around my brother like a dog, but treating me like trash. I'm pretty sure that she expects him to become the main income provider before he turns 18. And I wouldn't doubt that he does by the next year, I mean I have never, ever, ever, seen him make a mistake. It's honestly annoying, why and how can he be perfect?! I guess it's appealing to everyone else, but to me it is disgusting and the exact reason my own parents resent me.

"Hey Lauren."

Speak of the devil. Here comes Perfect Little Caleb trotting down the steps like he does every morning.

"Hey, Caleb." I mock him

"Are you ready for school?"

He's always interrogating me before school like this, it's extremely annoying to be honest.

"Why do you care so much?"

"Haha, you're funny Lauren."

"Ha, I know."

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