Chapter 1

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It was a sunny summer day, a young girl was wandering around her mall's local Dollar Store with her grandparents, admiring the shelfs of cheap candy, books and toys. In her hand she was carrying something most people would consider cheap as well, but to her it was a valuable treasure, a small Neopet plushie she had gotten from when she was no older than 4 years old. It was a creamy pastel yellow Gelert she named Thunder, and out of her whole Neopets collection he was her favorite. That's precisely why she brought him with her, so they could turn what would normally be a boring shopping trip, into an adventure! She held him up to the shelf, pretending that he was running at great speeds to get from one aisle to the other, leaping great bounds over each and every obstacle. "Look at this Thunder," She exclaimed wide eyed at the bright and brilliant wall of shining stickers she saw before her, putting him down on the shelf next to her and reaching her hand out to touch them. "We could use these to decorate the spaceship I made for you at home!" She pulled a few sheets off the rack to get a better look, "Look, they even have shiny stars and planets!" Looking over to the shelves a few steps away on another wall she spotted some brightly coloured dinosaur toys and rushed over to get a better look. "These dino's are so cool, I bet we could use the spaceship to travel back in time so you can tame them and become a dinosaur master!" Taking a moment to look at each packaging carefully before picking out the best one, she pulled it off the shelf, arms now full. "We're gonna have so much fun when we get home, right Thunder?" She turned around to where she had left her toy but he was gone. Confused, she looked up and down each shelf in the same area where she had left him. "Thunder?" She called, voice filled with worry. She knew for a fact that she left him right there, where could he have gone? She dropped her items and started looking frantically around the aisle, looking behind each product, crawling on the floor to make sure he didn't fall under the shelfs. Nothing. She ran over to the next aisle, then the next. Thunder was nowhere to be seen. "Natalie, we're ready to go now." She heard her Gramma calling her. She ran over to her Gramma desperately, tears running down her face, "I-I can't find T-Thunder!" She sobbed, "H-h-he's gone! I onl-ly put him down one minute!" They spent the next 20 minutes searching around the store, even asking staff to lend a helping hand but to no avail. That day the little girl left the store, sobbing, for she had lost her Thunder.

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