Chapter 1, the plan.

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Ochako woke up, with a particularly sinister grin on her face. Today was the day, the day she would finally be able to reveal herself as the traitor and finally go back to her beloved league of villains hide out, that she missed so.

She quickly threw her uniform on, not caring much for her appearance since it won't matter much with the events that are going to happen today.
Friday the 13th, Ochako thought as she crossed out the day on her calendar, it had a big red circle around the date with the words "VILLAN REVEAL." She smiled happily, "I can't wait to see the shock on their faces." She thought to herself as she giggled quietly and made her way downwards into the breakfast room of the UA dorms.

Every single day she had been writing down the weaknesses and strengths of each and every persons quirk in UA, along with a full detailed description of how their quirk works, and the limit of it. Shigiraki was going to be so proud of her! She truly couldn't wait to return to her real home.

As she walked downstairs, she was met with a green mop of hair. Izuku Midoriya. "Good Morning! Ochako." He said with a ear to ear smile on his face, Ochako had her hold in her laugh, "He won't be smiling soon." She thought maliciously, "Good Morning Izuku!! I think I might skip breakfast and head right to UA, I'll see you there okay?" She smiled as the green haired boy gave her a thumbs up, returning to his table filled with her so called "friends". They were all manipulated way too easily, just fake a laugh and a smile here and there and act determined about doing hero's work (which makes her want to throw up) and boom, you now have friends that will protect you if anyone accuses of being the traitor.

As you could guess, when Principal Nezu found out about the traitor Ochako was royally pissed. This was supposed to be HER surprise, HER reveal, HER betrayal. She wanted to grasp the element of surprise and shock everybody, burning their reactions into her mind. Who knows? Maybe she'll even sneak some pictures on her phone to show the LOV later. Although, the pros were that nobody suspected her. So everything went exactly accordingly to the plan.

She entered the UA building for the last time, the next time she'll see this place is when it's in tiny - little pieces. Stained with blood from the other hero's trying to protect it, the pieces of rubble slowly floating up to the moon with the use of her quirk, and she'll watch as Dabi burns them all. And see how the place she came to everyday is nothing more that dust and ashes. The thought itself makes Ochako feel giddy inside.

She sat down at her seat, for the last time. Smiling to herself as the soon - to - be dead hero's walked in one by one. Not knowing what's about to happen. A few minutes Aizawa walked into the room, oh how she hated that man. Always making her do hero work and saving people, disgusting.

And now your wondering, how is Ochako going to reveal herself and get away before they can capture her? Simple, firstly ; the first lesson she has is hero training, but she'll tell Aizawa that she feels ill since she purposely over did it with her quirk yesterday. And so she would sit outside while the others are busy occupied with training, and then she'll text the LOV to come at a moment when absolutely nobody is able to jump into battle quickly, so when all the hero's tire themselves out the LOV will break into the School, and Ochako will announce her betrayal and leave without another word.

She couldn't help but stifle a giggle as first period began, she followed the plan to a tea. Even going so far as to tell Aizawa she was on her period or something if he didn't let her sit out. Anyways ; the plan worked successfully, and now Ochako was sitting on the bench texting the LOV to come now since most of the students were collapsed on the floor, while the teachers were heavily breathing while bending over. She grinned, finally she can leave this hell hole and go back to where she belongs.

And then she heard it, the sound of glass breaking and footsteps coming quickly outside. And Ochako smirked, stood up and followed them out, where she began to announce her betrayal.

Ahh!! I hope you guys like the first chapter :)) lmk if you want more because I won't (probably) upload this unless it gets some attention.
Thank you for reading !! Bye now 💓

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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