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The word 'murderer' has three r's within it. A good murderer has three qualities: they have an innocent face; they are the last person whom of which would be suspected for such a crime. They also have brains, they are smart enough to leave no trace of their identity- they leave no ends loose. The last quality is the most important, however practically useless if the other two are in absence. All good murderers have the strength to first of all commit the crime, but to also live with their actions for as long as time gives  them. Being able to balance these three attributes, in the precise amounts of which is required to be a good murderer, is a difficult state to obtain. But there is no rule saying the same person is the one who must hold all three qualities. If each kept on top of the other two, constantly, three people could each have an attribute. Making a perfect murderer, simply in three parts. Once the brains has come to this conclusion, the others just have to fall into their places and then our story can being.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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