How Mishaps and Family Saved the Galaxy

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 Fox walked into the noisy and bustling 79s with Stone, Thorn, and Thire, feeling like his heart was going to burst. The war was over, with the Republic as the victors, and on top of that, Palpatine was dead. At the thought of all they suffered to get to here, Fox had to bring a hand up to his face to wipe moisture from his eyes.

Bringing himself back to the present, Fox barely stifled a smile as Thire challenged Thorn to do shots. Fox was amused that his normally stoic and strictly by the regs vod'ika was challenging Thorn of all people to a drinking contest. Judging by the snorts around him, Fox was not alone in his amusement.

Fox's rare good mood increased when he caught sight of all his batchmates gathered at a table. When Fox had first gotten the invitation to come to the reunion, he had been surprised, and ever since then, he had been oddly buoyant. Fox, followed by Stone, strode over to the table before sliding into a seat. 

Fox was greeted by a round of, "Vod" or "Vod'ika", making his heart soar, but his good mood faltered and his stress level flared when Cody pointed to him and Stone and said, "So, tell me again how you both are partially to blame for the events of the past month or so?!" Rex, who had been taking a sip of his drink when Cody made his remark, snorted and half-spit whatever he was drinking back out.

Fox glared his most disappointed ''commander'' look at Cody, who for his part, was not fazed by the look, while Stone started to protest. "Well, I wouldn't say that all of the events of the past month are our fault..." Stone Started.

But Stone's protest was cut off by Wolffe who said, "Cut the sh*t Stone!" 

When Stone shut his mouth, Wolffe continued, "Now, Fox'ika, please entertain us with your story of the past month! I would just love to hear how all this happened. But if you don't want to talk, then I'll just tell everyone about the thing that happened when we were seven!"

"You wouldn't dare!" Fox hissed.

"Oh, wouldn't I!" Wolffe pressed.

Fox groaned inwardly knowing that if Wolffe was this serious, he would go through with his threat if Fox refused, especially since the events that occurred involved his general. Well, I guess that I'm telling the story then, Fox mused.

"Alright then, so most of the stuff that went down with General Koon is because of Stone." Fox started.

 Ignoring the "Hey" that Stone gave, Fox continued, "Anyways, everything started when I was forced to be in the med-bay for once. "  

"Why were you in the med-bay, you avoid it almost as much as the Jedi do?" Bly asked, butting in.

Fox narrowed his eyes at Bly before answering, "Anyways, as I was just about to say before I was interrupted, I was only there because I was unconscious after getting shot three times while guarding a senator." Following his answer, an awkward silence descended over the table. 

Fox sighed, clearing his throat before saying, "The next part of the story is yours, Stone."

At that, Stone looked sheepish, rubbing the back of his neck while saying, "Ah, well, there's not much to it. But, while Fox was out of commission, I tried to help him out by doing some of the paperwork that was piling up. But while doing it, I may not have read all of the papers that I signed, to their entirety, I mean."

"Of course you didn't, Stone!" Cody groaned.

"What! It's not like any of you haven't only skimmed documents or just signed them off with reading them when you have stacks of flimsiwork to do," Stone defended.

When the others just looked away, grumbling instead of answering the question, Stone took it as a victory, raising his fist into the air in faux celebration.

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