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You were stubborn, and your brother knew it

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You were stubborn, and your brother knew it.

"—What if he's my stalker?" you gasped at the thought. Shivering at the idea of someone following your every step. Talk about personal space... sheesh.

But you recalled what he looked like. A big guy. Probably near the 6 feet mark—he was that tall. He had striking features, alluring eyes, and fluffy hair. Another thought passed your mind, making you giddy. "Or," you paused. He was kinda cute. "What if he's my admirer..." You bit your lip, smiling like a complete idiot once you finished applying thick eye-liner to your brother's eyes.

This earned you a bizarre look from the boy seated on the chair in front of you.

"What if..." your brother joined in your assumptions, making you stare at him in anticipation. "You're just being paranoid," he answers monotonously. Meanwhile, you give him your 'I'm-so-done-with-you' look.

"You're lucky you're next to perform or else I'll be ruining that pretty face of yours, Jungkook," you spat back while your brother laughed.

Arranging things on the table and casually dropping the eye-liner on your pocket, you heard your brother shift on his seat so he could face you.

Oh I'll get you after your performance, you silently pledged.

Silence took over the room as both of you drift into your own thoughts. It's too coincidental, you observed. I can see him almost everywhere! In my favorite coffee shop, the grocery stores, my dearest restaurants... even at the bus stop!

This has been occurring for a year now... Jungkook noted while he floats on his head. It can be a possibility that the guy is one of the things you mentioned. A stalker, or a... he rolled his eyes. alright, admirer. But, it can all just be coincidental... he pursed his lips. You can either be paranoid, or in grave danger. He's not taking chances on the latter, though by your stories and descriptions, his gut leaned over the former. The guy you mentioned doesn't even bother you. The both of you have never even shared eye contact nor a conversation. The both you just breath the same air, and that's it! What if the guy just likes the same coffee shop as you do? Like you, Jungkook, himself, adores Angel-in-us for its caramel frappuccinos. Even some of his friends like the same coffee shop as well.

There are many possibilities. The guy must also live nearby if he uses the same bus stop as you, even goes to the same grocery store. Again, there are many chances, the boy continued to brainstorm while he blankly examined you. That was until his eyes landed on the mark on your wrist.

He perked up, a small light bulb lighting on top of his head.

Can it be? He asked himself.

"Talk to him," the boy advised, while you glanced at him, appalled.

"Bro, you know us," you tried to get some sense into him. "We both hate talking to other people. You and I know it's hell, so why are you suggesting me to do it?! And to someone potentially that's a stalker!" you paused. "Or... admirer."

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