Chapter 85 - Actions and Consequences

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Breaking Dawn Pt

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Breaking Dawn Pt.2

The year 2009

Dorothea didn't think twice as she charges a Volturi member down who was too occupied fighting Alistair to discern her at the back. Once the 2 whirled on the ground, Dorothea used her advantage, violating the man still with her powers before tearing his head off.

"Damn, ain't that cruel." Dorothea plainly looks up at Alistair who had stretched out his hand to support her, they both stare into the distance where Edward and Bella are struggling to win against Aro.

"Looks like they need help over there. You going?" before Dorothea could reply, a scream stops her. Searching around until she met eyes with a scene of Rose is being trapped by 2 Volturi and not far from her, Dorothea can see Paul's unprotected back as a vampire is about to pounce on him.

"I got the wolf," Alistair let out a sigh before sprinting with his vampire speed to help Paul leave Dorothea to rescue Rose. Rushing off to the blonde, back-to-back their glare at the vampires.

It was like they had theoretically talked out a strategy, both Dorothea and Rose charge without hesitation at their opponent. Dorothea slid underneath between the vampire's legs before throwing him over her shoulder straight into the pit Benjamin had previously made.

Dorothea glanced at Rose, seeing how gracefully her sister took the lead in killing the vampire first. Gave her a soft smile that didn't reach her eyes while Rose gave her a pity one instead, "Thea, I-I'm sorry about-" Dorothea didn't want to ache, knowing Rose's words, it will only stress her of the unpleasant memories.

Her character suddenly switches, Rose caught notes of how the tender smile left Dorothea's face although her eyes swiftly convert into a cold, dull, and numb one. An appearance of someone close to giving up on their life, just occupying in front of the reaper's door anticipating for their life to be taken.

"Dorothea-" Rose didn't get the say anything afterward as the girl had driven off to Edward and Bella's aid, observing how Aro had Edward close to having his head ripping off and Bella grappling on top of the man.

Dorothea didn't hesitate, and once she was three to the trio she kicked Aro right on his chest with all her strength, making him fall back miles away as Bella jumped off him and into Edward's arm. They watch as Aro was struggling a little to breathe at the sturdy kick, gradually standing up with a wounded look directed at Dorothea.

Edward glimpsed at his sister, awaiting a regretful facial expression since he perceived how Dorothea couldn't even consider harming Aro even if that man has endangered her family. But what he didn't expect was an emotionless look as she tilts her head to the side as if provoking the leader.

"Dorothea, princess, darling. Are you certainly going to harm me? You know the consequences of your actions, girl." Bella and Edward had a concerned look for Dorothea when the girl didn't even flinch at the tone of Aro's voice like she normally would whenever Aro starts raising his pitch at her.

"You mean 'death'? Honestly, that word sounds warming right now, but perhaps after yours." Aro frowns at this but he wasn't the only one as Edward and Bella too. Aro took powerful but slow death closer to them as Dorothea followed suit with Edward and Bella behind in case.

"Don't worry. I'll take responsibility for my action. But so should you." Dorothea started running, charging closer to the man as Aro imitate the identical action.

Once close, Dorothea effortlessly dodges Aro's attacks, spinning around so that she was behind him. Using her body weight to ground him on the snowy earth making Aro groan at the impact of his nose on the solid ground, Dorothea uses her powers to paralyze his entire body

Dorothea had let out an uncontrollable raspy cough and was deeply unsettled when she heeded the once white snow-covered ground enhanced by her blood.

The girl didn't recognize how generous she had assisted her family and supporters by utilizing her abilities since most of the events she could not physically be there to prevent the aggression, the amount of currency she had applied had taken a toll on her own body.

Grunts and murmurs alongside firm footsteps brought her back into reality, heeding as Aro strived under her while her family and supporters rushed closer to them.

Giving a short glance around the battlefield, the bodies of Volturi were scattered around the place along with blood. Dorothea chooses to end this seeing a few of the pained looks her family had after losing their loved one, especially from Esme and Leah.

Neglecting her pain headache and dizzy sight that's addressing her every warning that she needs to unleash her powers or she will lose herself but knowing that if she did, her family would be in jeopardy.

So overpowering herself to stand up and put on an act. Bucking Aro onto his kneecaps so he could confront her family. Dorothea watches as they all had given the leader a disgusted or firm look but Aro continues having his famous smirk as he chuckles, not one bit offended or worried about the future.

Dorothea had zoned out a scarce due to the unbearable agony she has to battle but nevertheless noticed how everyone was enduring themselves from attacking Aro. Leah's wolf had tried to leap onto Aro but a barrier had to stop her action making her take a step away as Aro let out a burst of laughter.

Everyone stares at Dorothea, knowing she is the one to put it up with her powers, they were questioning if Dorothea is earnestly considering permitting Aro free while her family remarks on her distasteful look as if she's fighting with herself mentally.

Edward couldn't get through her mind due to the barrier also.

Their murmurs had gone deaf in Dorothea's attention, but when they observe how Dorothea blandly rose Aro's hands behind him with one foot on his back, preparing ready to rip his arms off, this action had made Aro's laughter imminently shut out.

"Dorothea. W-What are you d-doing?!" Aro's panic only grew when he can feel his arm slowly being ripped apart and the sound is as clear as a crystal for everyone to hear.

Dorothea purposely made assured that Aro's mind is packed with the festive moment he had spent with her and his brothers, even putting in some nonexistent memories that could happen by using her powers, affecting Aro to feel regret for his action.

"It's a misfortune, Aro. I gaze up to you so much. But I can't disregard your cruel ways to live and obtain power. I strive so much to see the asset in you, ignore the kills of our own kind but when I saw how you began to grow more uncontrollable... I think this is the precise time than anytime else, where you should face the consequences for your actions."

Dorothea brought her face closer to Aro's ear as she whispers her next words, "I thank you for everything, Aro." Using her last bit of power, with one big kick. Aro's arm smoothly was ripped apart from his body as he falls in front of the others, the barrier down granting them an opportunity to torture the now armless Aro till his death.

Dorothea watches from behind as everyone casually gathers closer to Aro, drowning him from her spectacle but his outcry can be detected. Sighing with relief, she let her figure go, befalling with a thud on the ground as she can sense herself gently losing her life.

"Dorothea! Thea!" She can hear the yells from her family with worriedness but Dorothea knew that when if she tries, she can no longer open her eyes.

Esme had let out a cry seeing Dorothea's mouth words of goodbyes, as her children continuously squeeze and shake hoping she would open her eyes. Dorothea just let their voice fill her mind as her last memory and sound before she greets death.

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