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Hello everyone this is not actually an update I just wanted to tell you a few things about this story. I probably won't have anyone actually read this story but if you do there are really short chapters and I am writing this story with my little brother. So he is giving me the ideas of what he wants and I have to do it so sorry if you don't like any of the things in here. I also wrote the story Forest Lady but no one had actually probably read it. Also no stealing anything from this story. These are my brothers ideas and he is still young. Also do not get mad at me if I feel like stopping this story halfway through. It probably won't be my fault my brother will just get bored with it. So quick review thank you for reading, these are my brothers ideas No STEALING, short chapters, and I might stop halfway through. So with that being said the next chapter will be the story. PLEASE READ THIS PART.
I haven't updated in moths and my brother gave up on this book before we even came up with a first chapter. So I am doing this in my own and I promise to do my very best. Thank you for reading!

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