The Mystery Email

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"BRING!!!!" Captain Barnacles' clock went off. Yawning, he got up and slipped on his uniform. As he finished fixing his collar, the octo alert went off!!!

"Octonauts, to HQ quickly!!!" he heard Dashi's voice through the monitor on the wall. He dashed down to the octoshoot. Just before the Captain could reach it, an orange cat came out of no where, slamming straight into him.

"Ow," They groaned. Captain Barnacles got up and went to go to help Kwazzi, who was laying flat-face on the floor, up, when he noticed Kwazzi was still wearing his pajamas. 

"Don't worry about me, Captain," Kwazzi exclaimed dramatically, "Save yourself." Captain Barnacles rolled his eyes and went down the octoshoot. He hurried over to perplexed Dashi.

"What happened?" Tweak asked as she got to the top of the ladder. She was still wearing her cute, fluffy, purple and blue pj's and carrying her green stuffed bunny.

"Sorry for waking you guys up so abruptly," Dashi started as everyone had made their way up to the HQ, "We received this mysterious email." 

"What do mean, 'mysterious email?'" Kwazzi asked, flipping his eye patch up. 

"Well, it doesn't say who its from, nor where. But..." Dashi started to say but Kwazzi cut her off.

"Let me see it!!!" He said with excitement. As he read it over, he frowned.

"What does it say?" the rest of the crew asked.

"Its nothing, really," Kwazzi started, but when they all gave him the look, he read it out loud,    "Hi Guys and Gals!!!I hope you guys have been having a fun time! I'm a big fan of yours, and I'm not the only one. So I've finally decided, I'm going to host a 'ask and dare.' It's where fans from all around the world will ask questions and dares for you all!!! It'll be a lot of fun!!! Hope you all are excited!!! From your shyest fan. PS your Captain is first!!!(Sorry if this is creeping you out.)" The octonauts looked at each other.

"It could've been sent to the wrong person?" Tweak suggested. The others nodded, since none of them could come with any other possibility.

"Well, I'm going back to bed," Shellington said, half awake. The rest of them agreed, and headed back to their rooms. But what they didn't know was that it was sent to the right person, and soon they will have to answer your questions and accept your dares. 

This is going to be fun :) Captain Barnacles is first, so please send in questions and dares for him!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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