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💕lets just have a Reminder of what has happened 💕 (by the way im not copying j.k rowling im just trying to make a fun fanfiction) im not giving loads of detail in this part.

harrys parents are killed. Harry survies. Ha lives with his aunt and uncle for 10 years

harry finds out hes a wizard . harry finds out voldemort is trying
to kill him . Harry meets ron . Harry saves hermione. Harry thinks snape wants to kill him . Its acctually quirrell

Harry gets a visit from dobby. Harry cant get through to platform 9 and 3/4. the chamber of secrets is opened. Loaof muggle borns get petrified. Lockhart looses his memory. Harry saves the day

dementors come. Sirius black escapes. Buck beack gets kiled . Ron get kidmapped by sirius. Harry and hermione go after him. Harry realises that sirius is gooD. Harry saves the day

harry get put in the tri wizard tornament. Harry battles a dragon. Harry swims for an hour and saves the day. Harry goes fo a. Graveyard. Cedric dies. Voldemort returns. Moody isint moody.

harry is kidnapped from the dursleys . Harry lives wth the order. Haery trys to learn oclemency. Umbrige takes over. Harry thinks sirius is in trouble sirius dies

Harry and dumbledore find out about voldemort and his haucroxes . Harry amd dumbledore find a fake hauxeux. dumbledore dies 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

harry ron ans hermione humt hauxruxes

A lot ofe people die. harry dies. Harry comes back to life Harry kills voldemort all is well

then theres a big gap. Im gonna fill that gap in for you 😂💕😂

sorry for spelling mistakes im 11

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