Wings of Trust

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Natasha walked quietly down the hallway, her heart aching at the sight of Wanda's distress. She had to brush off her feelings, knowing that this was all about getting the other Wanda back—the one who looked up to her and whose affection she missed deeply.

Today's Wanda told Natasha more about her past—things she hadn't known, like how she used to be a thief. This knowledge made Natasha desperate to get her Wanda back. The one she knew was less violent, who followed the rules and rarely lashed out, especially not at Tony.

When Natasha finally opened the door, she saw her Wanda again. Steve was sitting in the rocking chair with the girl asleep in his lap. Natasha's heart fluttered at the sight, and she walked over to her clothing drawer, beginning to sift through it.

"How'd you get her to sleep? She seemed pretty upset when one of us touched her," Natasha asked, flipping through her folded clothes.

"You'd be surprised," Steve replied, gently running his hand through Wanda's hair. "She had a sore throat, so I gave her some water. She passed out immediately after."

Natasha nodded, then unzipped her sweater to reveal a black tank top underneath. She walked over to the bed and sat on its edge, facing Steve in the chair. She avoided eye contact, her arms outstretched in front of her.

"Why do I get the feeling you're avoiding her?" Steve asked gently.

Natasha shifted uncomfortably. "I don't know... I know she doesn't remember me, but for some reason, I still expected her to run into my arms the second she saw me. The last thing I heard her say was calling me 'Mama,' and after three years of waiting, the first thing she said was 'shut up.'"

Steve sighed softly. "Well, if anyone can get her to open up, it's you. Just give it a chance."

He got up from the rocking chair, holding Wanda in his arms like a delicate bundle. Natasha looked up at him, her heart heavy with emotion. "Here," Steve said, gently laying Wanda in Natasha's arms.

Natasha cradled Wanda, feeling her heartbeat against her chest. The girl's scent was different now—no longer like the perfume Natasha used to let her borrow to feel closer to her. Wanda's body felt thinner, and every rib seemed to press against Natasha's arm. But the sound of her heartbeat was the same—a comforting, familiar rhythm that Natasha could always recognize.

"If I stay here with her," Steve said softly, "will you pack her stuff for the safe house? Dresses, swimsuit, summer shoes. Miami is going to be very hot, and she needs to be dressed for it."

"And her favorite PJs," Steve added with a chuckle as he left the room, closing the door behind him.

Natasha smiled at the door, feeling a mix of hope and anxiety. She looked down at Wanda, who was still nestled in her arms, and whispered, "Okay, you're okay," rocking gently back and forth. "I got you."


Twenty minutes later, Steve walked in with Wanda's suitcase packed and ready to go. He found Natasha asleep on her back, with Wanda lying peacefully on her stomach. Steve smiled at the sight but needed to wake Natasha to continue with the preparations.

"Nat," he whispered, gently shaking her awake. Natasha stirred, her eyes fluttering open to see Steve's concerned face.

"What?" she groaned.

"You and I still need to pack for tomorrow," Steve said, trying to keep his tone light.

"Well, as you can see, I'm a little preoccupied at the moment," Natasha said, gesturing to Wanda asleep on her chest.

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