Chapter 1: Vacuo's own Arc

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"You mustn't trust those in Vacuo Jaune... They are like snakes and can be turned... Those in Vacuo will lie, cheat, and steal just to live... trust no one son, trust no one or else you'll find a knife in your back or stranded by those who you called friends"

Those will be the last words that his father had told him when he had learned he would be attending Beacon Academy, thankfully, Jaune wasn't going in there unprepared, His father, being the smart man, informed Jaune about the Basics of Aura and Semblances and unlocked his, which, thankfully he wasn't completely helpless in that regard, and his father taught him to at least carry a sword and shield so he wasn't going to be completely useless in combat.

However there was another problem, You see, since most of the team were filled, Jaune had the opportunity to become an Operator, a solo Huntsmen who can work any job alone or even help other teams, Jaune accepted since he wasn't going to say no to become a huntsman. However, the Headmistress of Shade Academy, a Woman named Celo Olympias had asked him to perform a task in order to let him in...

Jaune shook his head as he did not wish to remember the task and the blonde now walked the steps of shade academy. He looked to the Huntsment school of Vacuo. The school itself was a large castle made of large sandstone bricks and it had four walls around it with four large watchtowers and on each watchtower was a purple flag with Vacuo's sigil on it with the three swords being orange in color. He also saw that there was a small garden inside the school with crystal blue water and some plants around it that made the sight very beautiful. He also saw the Docks for Vacuo's Bennu, Vacou's own means of transportation via sky. Next to the school was a small coliseum which he assumed was for combat class and Grimm Studies.

As he walked to the front doors of the school which were colored in a beautiful orange and had small wooden designs painted a golden color, by the doors was a girl who had pale skin with brown eyes and black hair, with a braid wrapping around the back of her hair and drill curls at the ends of her har near her shoulders. Her outfit consists of a black, gray, and lavender dress with armor plates on the side that holds her throwing knives. She also wears light gray stockings with pale gray ballet flats

As soon as she saw him, she began to walk his way and Jaune stopped as the good got closer and eventually stood in front of him

"Are you Jaune Arc?" She asked him

"Yeah... That's me" Jaune replied, with a small smile

"Follow me to the Headmistress office, she would like to see you before you get settled in," she told him

she began to walk and Jaune followed her. After a minute of walking, Jaune looked at her and decided to try and start up a conversation.

"what's your name?" He asked her

"Gwen Darcy" The Girl, Gwen introduced "I'm a member of Team NDGO," she said with a smile

"It's nice to meet you, Gwen," he told her "So, how far are we from the headmistress office?"

"Not far, we just need to take the Elevator," she told him and he nodded.

Gwen looked at the boy, so far he hadn't tried to flirt with her or try anything at least, which was a plus. Being one of the hottest girls in the first-year classes and being on what many considered the Hottest team of the year, she attracted a lot of attention from the opposite sex, which annoyed her when so many boys tried to get into her pants, thankfully she managed to tell them no and even playfully threatened them with a knife to the crotch when they tried to get too close. Gwen was just relieved that the guy wasn't hitting on her right way, however, when she looked at him again and got a closer looked at his eyes, she noticed he looked very...Tired. Like not in a sleepy way but like he was tired of everything sorta way.

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