The Pond

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   Once, there was a there was a little boy. He would walk a dirt path to a pond. He would tend to the turtles and the koi that called it home, and whenever the ducks arrived he toss them seeds.
   Although, he would never get close to the edge. You see the pond was rather large, still, if you were brave enough you could most definitely swim across. Other than the pond being so big, it was very very deep. The part where the water met dirt, was a light teal, but not much further out it was a dark blue green and even further it was almost black.
   He wasnt scared of drowning or the water, no, he could swim, what he feared was what might be beneath. Because when he would feed the ducks and the turtles and the koi, he would from time to time swear he saw something dash back into the deep dark, just before he could see it staring at him.
   Despite this fear, he came back, again and again. He figured if he stayed far enough from the edge he would be safe. As long as he didn't step in he would be fine.
   He did this for months, until one day he was followed. A sinister being with little humanity left in them, wanted the poor boy's death.
Once the boy reached the pond he set down his bag and got the food he was to give to the animals, his friends.
  As the he was feeding the animals, they suddenly rushed away from him. The monster of a human, grabbed him by the back of his neck. The wretched thing dragged him to the edge of the pond, to drown away the little one's life.
  Hes head was plunged into the the deep dark. He struggled, he really tried, but such a small body can't beat such a large hand. He screamed, hoping help would come, but screaming into a void not even an echo will come.
   The breath he held was gone, screaming wasted it. His mouth was cold from the water he was breathing in. His lungs burned and his eyes blurred,  and everything was getting darker, even darker than the pond. But just before he lost it all, something shot past him and a weight was lifted off him.
   When he woke he was laying near the edge. He coughed and cleared his breath, happy to breathe again. He then slowly looked over the pond. What was once a deep dark, is now a blood red.
   He whispered a thank you to the something, a loud splash was the only response, and ripples in the water.

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