Chapter 89 - This Is Me

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Breaking Dawn Pt

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Breaking Dawn Pt.2

The year 2009

Various mysteries went into everyone's thoughts and were about to voice them out at the carefree girl as she explains aspects of things to Jasper but a boisterous slam overtook everyone's awareness, shifting about to the mansion entrance, you can see a 5 years old version of Dorothea speeding out with an enormous grin on her profile as she kicks off her shoes to wander bare feet into the forest.

Dorothea giggles at the sight of her young self, before pursuing her, the rest doing the same. The scenario had evolved into an exhibition at the edge of a cliff. Everyone suspended witnessing the naive Dorothea peering off from the immense cliff with a thoughtful look.

"Please tell me, she isn't going to do what I think, she is going to do." This time it was Dean who conversed up but he began screeching along with everyone else when the young Dorothea didn't delay taking several steps back before shooting off the cliff.

"Oh, My God!"

The exceptional ones who are not panicking and glimpsing down to the cliff to see if the child is fine were Dorothea and Jasper. Dorothea is appreciating herself with childhood memories while Jasper was taking in every detail and thing the young Dorothea treasures to do.

"Are you crazy, Thea! You could have died! If there weren't any goddamn water under there, you would have been dead!" / "Huh, but it's fun! You and the wolves have done it. I'm sure the pack agrees."

"Yeah but not for a 5-year-old!" Dorothea pouts at Paul and Jacob's nagging at her instead of backing her up. The scene transforms again to the bottom of the cliff, you can perceive the child choking up rapidly as she walks out of the water.

Her dress and hair were all soaked but her smile only grew more prominent as she bounces around and rushes off screaming 'Again! Again!' Everyone turned to frown or had a hopeless look at Dorothea for begetting such courageous childhood but there can't deny that the trait is still clear in her mature version of her.

The scene advances like that, young Dorothea would proceed with this routine of jumping off and off the cliff, and the rest had learned to laugh and savor just how hyper and childlike Dorothea was and still is.

They observe as the child aspires to drain her wet apparel and fix her messed up now frizzy hair while the sun gently went down until a venomous scream caught their attention, everyone is directly going protective as the tone is pure hatred.

"Come out, come out, Thea. You don't want to raise my temper, do you!"  The vibration of a whip can be gathered, everyone patrols the child as she leaped and hide behind a big stone, biting her nails while murmuring sweet words to herself.

"Ah! Father is here," Dorothea's tone was so festive yet there was a hit of fear in them as she beams when a male figure version of her, probably in his early 40s walked into the view with a whip in his hand.

The male looks wicked, for someone's father. He didn't hold any sense of love or worry as his eyes trail about the forest in search of young Dorothea. It held a monstrous look, ready to attack.

The current Dorothea has a diverse emotion from the young version as she wasn't thrilled but hiding while enduring her sobs and cries. Dorothea's siblings stare at her with concern and compassion but Dorothea remains smiling at the display appearing.

They all got perplexed about what to consider about this scene until the child screams in distress when the father hauls her by the hair, "F-Father! I-It h-hurts!" / "HOW DARE YOU RAISE YOUR TONE AT ME!" The display shifted back to Cullen's house just in the term before anyone can testify to the young Dorothea being beaten.

Zafrina gasped sharply as she felt the attack and pain Dorothea went through, letting go of Dorothea's shoulder like she just got an electric shock as her finger automatically went to her mouth, trembling at what she just saw.

She couldn't bear seeing a child being pounded and had let go of the contact with Dorothea. Dorothea gave the girl a warm smile, "It's okay. Take your time."

The sentence was not just proposed at the Amazon girl but at everyone in the room who remained speechless as they try to take in what they just observed what a 5-year-old Dorothea had experienced. "If it's too much, I can just explain through words-"

"No... I want to see it with my own eyes."

Dorothea looks at Edward's determined eyes notwithstanding being a little shaken up by only a part of his sister's childhood. It wasn't just Edward as Dorothea remarked numerous of them have harmonized with the brunette even Jasper who knew the story but desire to visualize it.

Once everyone had calmed down, Zafrina concentrate back on permitting everyone to see the following scene, this time in the mansion's ballroom. It's decorated with gold, silver, and white with a huge chandelier hanging from above.

"Do you know who I am?"

Everyone ultimately notified a woman dressed all elegant and poised like a ballet dancer after gawking at the fancy room. The young Dorothea too was there in front of the woman with heads down and a young male her age. "Y-You're m-my... mother."

The woman scoffs as she fans herself, furnishing the child a sickened look. "I will rather be anything but that. I'm a well-renowned actor who is loved and worshipped for centuries. And you-" Fury rose everyone seeing the mother figure point the tip of her fan at the child's nose harshly gaining the young Dorothea to flinch as the woman peers down at her with a nauseated look,

"- Who woefully holds my flesh and blood will merely bring dishonour to my name and family with that hideous and horrific performance. And to that, I see no point in seeing you as my daughter."

After humiliating young Dorothea, the mother deserted the ballroom with laughter, everyone turns their attention to the 5-year-old who is biting her lips to hold in her tears which are causing bleeding before looking back up with a mask.

"I apologize for that. Do you mind if we go through the dance once more? I sure do not want to disgrace my family."

The male had a pitiful look for a child of his age but did as told since he was paid to be her dance partner as the pianist sprang the melody. Everyone observes how the child dance gracefully, elegantly, and smoothly with the rhythm, not one flaw can be seen.

Even the old pianist fell in love with her movement but even when the music ended, the child wasn't pleased with herself.

This went on and on until she snapped her ankle. Gasps filled the room, "Dorothea! I think it's' for the best if you rest for now. You have done marvellous!" The boy went up to her, and carefully touched her snapped ankle, blood tricking to his own hand. He looks up in concern.

"NO! Don't stop. Once more, please. I can't let mother down." Young Dorothea yelled out when she saw who the pianist was going to get help, this caused everyone to halt their movement.

Everyone was troubled yet an arrogant look grew for the 5-year-old, to hide her pain, as she stood up. Glaring at the adult to continue his melody while slightly pushing the young boy to his place and recommencing her dance with a strong unbeatable appearance, disregarding the scanty blood from her shoes but they all know this isn't wholesome for a small child her age.

When they all turn to look at the now Dorothea, as expected the girl smile and claps along to the melody for her young self as encouragement, proud she didn't give up easily, Dorothea didn't show any sight of shame and pity for her sad past only sees the bright side of it, as those memories made them who is she right now.

Jasper who stood beside her chooses to keep quiet and try to see the positive of things too. Dorothea is no longer facing these demons.

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