Part 1

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Alright fair warning, I haven't watched Black Butler for months now so I might fuck up. Also can we agree that Sebastian and the Undertaker are hot? Because they are. Ciel's just adorable but the other two are fucking hot. 

Any getting off track. Here's the new Remake of Naruto Butler. Also I'm doing the English translation since because I'm not going to search up the Japanese words because that takes time and it's bullshit. I'm not saying that Japanese is bullshit it's the searching that's bullshit.  

Naruto Butler Part 1: Sebastian. 

Naruto Uzumaki is the son of Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, and Kushina Uzumaki, the Princess of Uzushiogakure. Naruto is the Jailer for the Kyuubi no Kitsune and is often mistaken as the Kyuubi in disguise. In just the first 4 years of Naruto's life, Naruto has seen things a lot of children his age hasn't. He's seen death, betrayal, liars. Liars, that's one of the things Naruto hates the most. 

On one peaceful night, Naruto is walking home after spending his 5th birthday at the Hokage's office. 

Not many people know, or want to believe, but Naruto is very smart for a five year old. He knows who Minato and Kushina are. He knows about the Uzumaki Clan and it's origins. And the matter of fact, he knows about the Kyuubi sealed inside of him. No one ever told him about these things, he found them by himself. 

People feared Naruto. Mainly because of the Kyuubi, but it's because he looks like an outsider. He doesn't look like Kushina or look like what everyone thinks Minato looks like. In fact, Naruto is still a carbon copy of Minato. 

Minato's appearance is actually fake. He was born with blueish blackish hair. It was still spiky but not as spiky as the fake one. His eyes were still blue. In fact he was a carbon copy of a man known as Vincent Phantomhive (Not sure if Vincent himself had blue eyes or not but we'll just have to make do) from an anime called Black Butler, I haven't watched it in a while but it's pretty good, go and check it out. 

Ah what was I saying? Oh yeah, Naruto's appearance... wait isn't he a blonde? Ah I'm joking, I know what I'm on about.... kinda. 

Anyway yes, Naruto was feared because of his looks. He was a mini version of Minato's real self. Instead his hair was straight and his right eye had a white medical eyepatch on... what? Some asshole smashed a glass bottle onto Naruto's right eye making him blind, and before you guys go out to kill the dude, well... he's been taken care of.... by that red haired Grim Reaper, Grell was it or some shit. Sebastian's fanboy. 

Anyway, I should really get onto what Naruto is doing and not dicking around and being an idiot to my readers. Sorry. 

When our favourite blonde, wait no, blueish blackish hair boy arrived at the apartments, his blue LEFT eye widened in horror. The apartment was lit up in flames. Not just his apartment, the rest of the apartments as well. The nice deaf granny a few doors down from his. The couple a few floors down from him. An old blind man that seems to ignore everyone. Everyone's house was lit up in flames. Then out of nowhere, Naruto was knocked onto his back. 

He grunted in pain. He saw Civilians, Chunins, Jounins and oh my lord, even Anbus, all surrounding the innocent poor boy. They had weapons of all sorts. Kunai, Shurriken, Swords, Bottles, Knives, Glass and oh is that a whip?

"Kinky." Naruto thought in pain.  The attackers started their attacks on the boy, oh my god and I did type that didn't I. It was an alright pain, Naruto got use to it pretty fast. It was until they started using jutsus. Fire wind, then lightning, then water and then fire. When a fire ball was blown at Naruto's laying in pain form, Naruto heard a voice, and it wasn't the Kyuubi's. 

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