A not so normal school day Pt 1

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Wolf!!! Get your lazy butt down here

(Wolf's mind) ah great another day of boring school hmmm wonder what will happen today....

Coming mom!!!

(Wolf's mind) (Oh no no no imma be late to school again, this time the teacher will not excuse me)

12 minutes later~

(Rex's mind) (this kid really woke up late again didn't he ugh not surprised)

(Wolf) Ahhh Rexy my man's h heh sorry I'm late again.

(Rex) sigh*

(Wolf) uhhh Rex u mad at me?


(Wolf) h hey c chill no need to get mad

(Rex) No need to get mad? NO NEED TO GET MAD? No NeEd To GEt mAd???

(Rex) boiii u literally always get here late

(Wolf) sigh* ey man I'm sorry its jus-

(Rex) hey mate it's alright lets not fight...

(Wolf) alright

(Rex) Bros?

(Wolf) Bros!

(Rex) alright c'mon man let's get to class

(Wolf) mk

During lunch~

(Wolf) hey Rexy wanna go to the rooftop and chill there?

(Rex) hmmm... Yes sure why not.

(Wolf) hey wanna go that abandoned house by the beach after school?

(Rex) yea sure I'm down!

(Wolf) heck yeah mate!

After school~

(Wolf) hey rex ya think we'll find a treasure chest on that abandoned house!!

(Rex) hehehe wolf don't get your hopes up to fast mate we don't know what we'll find in there

(Wolf) awww c'mon man just imagine what could be in there who knows

(Rex) we'll your right who knows what could be in there

(Wolf) ... well we're here

(Rex) woah it's bigger than I expected I mean I've only seen it from afar but I guess I was wrong also because there's so many trees around the area then yeah

(Wolf) alright man enough of the talking ready to got inside?

(Rex) I was born ready!!!

(Wolf) alright here goes nothing

(Wolf/Rex) Woah!!

(Rex) this place is so awesome

(Wolf) yeah I know right

(Rex) wonder who could've own this place

(Wolf) yeah I wonder who

(Wolf) meh maybe some old person

(Rex) hahah yea maybe and old greedy man

(Wolf) yea mabey

(Rex) hey man ya wanna split up and see what we can find?

(Wolf) hmmm I dunno man this place seems like it's gonna fall apart

(Rex) aww c'mon you'll be okay

(Wolf) hmm finnnnneee... But if die it's your fault

(Rex) hey don't say that

(Wolf) hahah alright alright

As our two friends explore the mansion they will find hidden secrets and they will eventually find a room containing a hidden map that will lead them to the lost sword find out what happens in part two of THE QUEST FOR THE LOST SWORD coming soon

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