House of balloons

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CHAPTER ONE. High for this/what you need
As the rain drops on a cold December evening Angela approaches her patio, as she steps up to her house she puts in her key and unlocks the door to the smell of weed which was very pungent.

she stops to take a breath as she walks into her apartment and closes the door behind her, she opens the door to her room and see's James standing there, sweat ran down her spine as she sat on the bed...

James grabs her hand slowly opening her palm and gives her a Xanax bar, she is hesitant to swallow it because she had never done this before, as she looks at James he says "trust me girl" wrapping his arm around her, "you wanna be high for this" she downs the Xanax and immediately starts to sip vodka as she doesn't feel anything from the bar yet.

James slides his down from around her waist onto her stomach into her pants as she unbuttons them, he slowly starts to touch on her as she lays down letting James undress her, she whispers into James ear "protection" as he puts his lips next to her ear softly speaking "we don't need no protection" as he starts to insert himself inside she starts to feel the rush of the Xanax James lifts her up placing her on the ground in her high heel shoes, he proceeds to bury his face right between her legs, as James pleasures her, her boyfriend calls as the phone vibrates on the table top next to the bed, she proceeds to grab for it as James grabs her hand, he says to her "he's what you want, I'm what you need" .

she doesn't hesitate to lay back on the bed leaving the phone unattended and proceeds to make love with James til the morning hours. As soon as James has had his fun with Angela he immediately gets dressed, as he zips up his fly he looks to see Angela laying on the bed exhausted.

He walks out her room and runs outside and proceeds to start walking down the sidewalk to his car, he puts the key in door and opens it up hopping inside and starts it, he drives off to his friends house. As he parks his car vertically in the driveway and steps out the car he opens his trunk revealing a bag of ecstasy.

CHAPTER TWO. Glass table girls
he grabs the bag and rushes in the house, James waits around until sunset and immediately shuts the windows and gathers everyone around the bottom floor of the house, he walks up the stairs to the second floor and drops balloons and officially starts the party, he walks into one of the rooms and grabs a glass table and sets it down, he barrows a bag of coke from his friend and immediately starts snorting off the table, everyone at the party is smoking as the house becomes a hot box, he jumps into the crowd and starts downing champagne as he assures everyone "this is a happy house"

However people start to complain they can't breath with all the smoke, James wants no part in ending the party so he opens the windows, James drinks and smokes throughout the night until he's so wasted he collapses on a bed upstairs. he wakes up in the morning feeling absolutely awful, his eyes feel as if they don't fit in his skull, he looks around to notice none of the drugs he brought or any of the girls he hooked up with are around, the house that he filled with balloons is empty, none of the money he threw at the girls is around, it's dead silence as he reflects on last night.

CHAPTER THREE. The morning
He gets up covered in sweat and opens the shower door and starts to rinse, as soon as he's done showering he gets dressed and calls up a girl, he sees his phone ring from his girlfriend but ignores it as a girls walks into the house, James is ashamed but lost, confused on his purpose but would rather drown out his pain instead of questioning it, he immediately pulls out the glass table from the corner and lays the girl down.

CHAPTER FOUR. the party & after party/wicked games
He takes a sip from the cough syrup and then looks into her eyes as he spreads apart her legs, he takes off her high heel shoes and immediately goes down on her, as he finishes up and she walks out the door and he walks out too and to his car, he gets in and drives to his house. He gets out and walks up to his house and opens the door, he walks in and to his room and sees Angela laying in his bed, he pulls aside a chair and sits down looking at her, She looks back asking him.

CHAPTER FIVE. Coming down
"do you love me" he looks down at the ground and smiles "I only want you when I'm coming down" she immediately blank stares him and gets up walking out slamming the door behind her, he lays down and falls asleep...he wakes up a few hours later and sees his phone vibrate, he immediately gets up and walks out to his car and drives to the loft.

CHAPTER SIX. Loft music
He gets there and opens the door walking in, he sees the girl standing there, she speaks to him but he looks down at her and starts trying to convince her to sleep with him, he grabs her panties and tried to pull them down but she pushes him away and forces him out...

CHAPTER SEVEN. the knowing/twenty eight
He stumbles out the loft and to his car, he sits down and pulls out his phone and sees a text from Angela, it's a picture of her in bed with another man, James feels broken to his core and sets the phone down and puts his hand on his face, he picks up the phone texting her back "baby it's ok I swear it's ok, you thought that would break me" .... he gets a call and answers replying.

To be continued....Thursday
"why are you calling, oh wait its Thursday"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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