Welley Christ is trending as the best clothing designer in Hollywood! how did Welley Christ get from unknown to the biggest the designer in the industry following his love for art fashion, music and modeling! Yes we know Welley Christ have 53 talents but did you know Welley Christ is still in love with Evoni J! Welley Christ got an exposer from Evoni saying he still love Evoni J! but why do the GOAT want to waste his time falling in love with someone who dont care no shits about him! yes Welley Christ have 53 talents and he is charming, adorable, sexy, cute handsome from what his fans are saying! Welley Christ modeling career started in Kansas City then he took it to Hollywood! Welley Christ is spending more time on his career then anything in the industry.
Welley Christ is the next sexy model in Hollywood! Welley Christ been modeling and taking a lot of body photos that are trending all over the web! did Welley Christ go from unknown to the best model in the world and how did he do that? Welley Christ got noticed more for his music and his body following the love of his face that people been talking about OMG Welley Christ face is so damn trill, sexy. hot cute charming! but this year Welley Christ is trying to find real love following his pashion for his career being highly known all around the world!
Welley Christ been Trill!
RomanceEvoni dont want Welley Christ! Even after all the things Welley Christ did for Evoni J she dont want him? Evoni and Welley Christ was the greatest couples in the industry how dont Welley Christ love Evoni J! Welley Christ tried his best to be with E...