Part One

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You woke up to the obnoxious alarm clock blasting "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic." These roadside motels had an interesting taste in music. You groaned lazily and slammed the off button. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. When you opened them, you saw that the bathroom door was wide open. Dean was standing in the doorway, shirtless and brushing his teeth. "Rise and shine, y/n!" He shouted, his voice muffled by the toothbrush. You tried your best to make eye contact with him and not let your eyes focus on his abs. "We've got a big day ahead of us."

"Yeah, yeah, supposed heart attacks and that crap." You swung your legs over the side of the creaky motel bed and stood up. Dean turned around to face the mirror. You stretched your arms and yawned. "Where's Sam?" You asked.

Dean exited the bathroom, done brushing his teeth. "Went out to get coffee and do research. He should be back soon, and then we'll leave."

"Okay." You patted Dean on the chest as you walked past him. You noticed him stiffen a bit when you touched him. "I'm gonna take a shower."

"I'll be here." He told you, grabbing a shirt.

You were showered and dressed in twenty minutes. You brushed your hair while you waited for Sam, deciding to put a small amount of effort into it. You looked away from your mirror for a second and realized that Dean was staring at you. "What's wrong?" You asked. "Is there something on my face?" You placed your hands on your cheeks.

"No, no nothing." Dean said, coming to sit across from you on the bed. He leaned forward and looked at you, his brow furrowed. "It's just, how do you get your hair so soft?" He took a strand of your hair and felt it in between his fingers.

"I don't really do anything special to it." You said. "I didn't think it was that soft anyway."

"It is." Dean said, letting your hair go. "It's like a million tiny angel hairs. It's like Cas' hair!"

"Thanks, I think," you laughed and ran your fingers though his hair. "Yours isn't bad either." You weren't lying, Dean's hair was very soft.

Sam walked in the motel room, his laptop under his arm. "Oh, sorry." he looked slightly uncomfortable. "Am I interrupting something?" He started to back away from the doorway.

"No!" Dean jumped away from you. "No, we were just getting ready to leave."

Within minutes, the three of you were in the impala on your way to see the bodies that needed to be investigated. You stretched out in the back seat, loudly singing along to Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns n Roses with Dean. Sam just laughed, not knowing the words. You loved times like these, when all of you could just relax.

Soon you were in room where the bodies were being held. Luckily you had a strong stomach, because you had to preform autopsies on all six of them. You put on rubber gloves and started the process. You checked the vital arteries, and everything was normal. Each heart was spotless. Once you were done, you took off the gloves. "Ew," you scrunched up your nose when you realized that you had gotten some blood on your wrists. As you were washing it off, Sam and Dean walked in. They had just finished questioning friends and relatives of the victims.

"Find anything?" Asked Dean.

"No," you replied, stepping away from the sink. "Which gives me an idea of exactly what we're looking at."

"Ghost sickness?" Sam raised his eyebrows.

"Ghost sickness." You nodded.

"Well then we better get out of here." Dean said, looking around at the bodies nervously.

"You'll be fine, Dean." You grinned, walking out with them.

"It's not me I'm worried about, its you." He said, shaking his head. "I left you to do those autopsies by yourself. I should have done them-"

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