Harry Imagine Part 1

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You are on your way to your first One Direction concert. You are so phyched! You get to the concert and look at all the screaming fans in the huge line to get in. Thirty minutes later you make it to the front of the line. You give your ticket to the usher and he shoves you in (a little to hard). You relise that you have a LONG night ahead of you.

After you get to seat your stomach has butterflies and it feels like your stomach is about to explode with nervousness. Everybody is screaming the boys names. Harry! Nial! Louis! Liam! Zayn! Soon enough they all begin to blend together as the lights dim down to reveal the five boys standing there. You are in the front row so you get the closest look. They are cuter then the pictures show in the magazines. They start singing your favorite song and all along Harry is staring at you. You heart is beating rapidly. Maybe a little dangerously as his mint colored eyes stare at you as if he's looking right into your soul.

Afterwards, there was an after party. The house was packed. There was plastic, red cups everywhere. Most spilled all over the place. Whoever lived here was going to have a big mess to clean up. You told your friend you had to use the restroom. You went up the stairs and looked in a room to find, not the bathroom but someones bedroom where two people were making out. You quickly shut the door and reached for the doorknob to the bathroom. Before you had reached the knob the door opened and Harry Styles bumped right into you. "I am sooooo sorry" you said while your face turned a shade of red that it had never been before. "It's fine love" he said with his gorgeous smile and his dashing eyes lit up like a light as he looked you up and down. You quickly moved into the bathroom and closed the door and locked it. You used the restroom and brushed threw your hair with your fingers as best you could before walking back out.Still standing out there was Harry. You gasped in shock because he suprised you. He starred at you and then asked "why did you walk away so quickly?" You were speachless but finally said "I didn't know what to say and I, I needed a few moments to think." "Oh, Ok. Well, what did you think of to say to me while you were in there?" "Um, Um." You stammered uncontrollably. You couldn't think of anything to say. Harry said "Thats okay love. I was wondering if you would like to come to my place with the boys? I like you to meet them. What do you say?" You responded "Well, I couldn't. It's ok. I'll be fine here." "They don't bite... Most of the time." he said with a wide grin. "I guess I could go.

5 minutes later...

"Hi love." someone said from the limo. Harry led you to the limo where you heard the voice andopened the door for you. You climbed inside to find all five of the One Direction members. You were in 1D heaven. You pinched yourself. " What are you doing?" Louis asked. "I must be dreaming but apparently I'm not. This can't be real. Maybe a figment of my imagination? This is my biggest dream ever! I never imagined it would come true!" THey all laughed as you said that and you felt your face blush again. "Don't be embarrased." Niall said in his Irish accent. We rolled up to the appartment complex they were staying at. They led me into the room and they asked if I would spend the night after we talked a little bit. I sayed I wasn't sure but then I agreed. "Hey, we only have three beds." Liam said. "Soooooo." Harry said. "He means that she'll have to sleep with one of the boys." Zayn replied. Harry suddenly shouted. "I will! I volunteer!" They all looked at me as if they were asking my approvel. I nodded my head and said "thats fine."

Harry and I got into bed and I fell asleep instantly. I woke up suddenly in the night screaming. Everybody woke up and asked what was wrong. I told them that I had a nightmare and that they could go back to sleep. "I'll be fine." I said.  They all said ok and fell back to sleep. Everyone except me and Harry. "I'm sorry I woke you Harry." I said. "It's fine. I wasn't really in a good sleep anyway. I am actually glad you did. I hate the thought of you trembling in the night. I didn't know whether to wake you or not. You were sweating a lot and silently screaming with a scared lookon your face. I got a  little scared myself just by looking at you." He said smiling. "I'm kinda still a little scared." You said with a smile. He smiled back and said "Well, I'm here if you need." You cuddled up to him and suddenly he kissed you and for some odd reason you kissed back. "You'rethe most beautiful girl I ever seen." You returned his thought by laying your head on his chest and let him put his arm around you. You looked up at him and he kissed your forehead

You woke up the next morning still in his arms and all the boys starring at you. They all of a sudden smiled and you knew that they were happy for Harry. You looked up at Harry and he was smilling down at you and you sayed "What time is it?" They told me that it was 3:30. "What? How long have you guys been up? I'm sorry. You could have woke me or Harry you could have moved." "It's fine love. I actually enjoyed you sleeping. You were cute as you snuggled up so close. You didn't sleep well the first half of the night after all. You needed it." You layed your head back down on his chest and rested your eyes a little bit longer and finally got up and took a shower and got dressed. When I came out of the bathroom they were waiting for me and Harry asked if I would like to come with them to the movies. It was a horror movie and you reluctently said yes, even though you hated scary movies. It was a chance to get a little closer to Harry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2013 ⏰

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