Imagines (7)

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“Come on just kiss her, YN!”  Your best friend chanted.

The game of spin the bottle had taken a personal turn for me. To my great dismay and joy, the bottle landed on my best friend Dua. I gulped staring into her piercing brown eyes unsure if this was a smart choice. I could refuse but it would just hurt her feelings.

“Kiss! Kiss!” The whole group chanted as I made eye contact with her. I blushed nervously and leaned in. I placed my hand on her cheek and kissed her earning terms of endearment from everyone. My heart fluttered in awe that I just kissed Dua and I could feel the shift in our relationship.

“Wow,” we breathed out simultaneously breaking apart.

~4 hours later~

The room fell quiet with interruptions of soft snores and light giggling occasionally. That giggling coming from my friend and her girlfriend of course.

They were the most sun and moon relationship I've ever seen and it was absolutely adorable. What surprised me the most was how obvious it was that my friend is a bottom. The scariest girl in school a fucking bottom to a barbie I chuckled to myself.

“They are so cute” I spoke turning my head to Dua who was scrolling through Instagram on her phone.

“Yup” she sighed avoiding my gaze.

“What's wrong?” I questioned concerned. I never usually got short answers from Dua and her attitude felt off.

“Nothing” she monotonously spat back.

It always pissed me off when she got like this. Randomly shutting down and and surpressing her emotions. So I swung my leg over Dua's abdomen and straddled her taking her phone out of her hand. Dua's face instantly turned red and she looked away from me.

“Y-YN what are you doing?” she stutters looking around to see if anyone was watching us.

“Tell me what's wrong Dua” I whined purposefully grinding my hips on hers.

“Stop doing this!” She whisper yelled.

Instantly being filled with guilt I attempted to get off Dua but her hands gripped my hips pushing me back down making me lightly gasped.

“You toy with me all the time YN and I'm tired of it. That kiss.. that kiss wasn't a game kiss and you know it. So I'm flat out telling you that I want to be with you.” Dua stated piercing my soul with her eyes.

“If this isn't what you want then stop with the kissing, the long hugs, and the grinding, please. I can't take anymore of this ok?” She groaned staring up at me with those pleading eyes. A smile spread across my face satisfied that she finally said something.

“I was wondering when you were going to say something” I snarkily replied bending down to kiss her.

As we made out grinding on each other Dua's hands fell on my ass following my hip motions. Smirking on her lips I pulled away to see her gorgeous face pushing the strand that fell on Dua's forehead behind her ear.

“You my girl now do you understand?” Dua said slapping my ass abruptly surprising me. I jumped staring at her amazed. I knew Dua was pretty dominant but shit.

“Yes” I whined at the painful pleasure that my stinging ass was experiencing.

“Yes, what?” Dua smacked my ass again making me moan in pain.

“Yes, Dua I am your girl now.” I gushed kissing her again.

“Good girl” Dua spoke against my mouth lightly rubbing my ass.

Fuck Dua is hot.


An: I switch up my cup, I kill any pain (u know u know 😏)

An: I switch up my cup, I kill any pain (u know u know 😏)

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