Changing course

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Ra'kar limped towards the higher ranking chambers, every Yautja moved away from the giant knowing he was on the war path.
They learnt about how protective he was with the Ooman pup and they feared the so called 'gentle giant.'
Only one Yautja stood out infront of him and he was concerned about the situation.

"Is everything alright my friend? Is the pup safe?"

Ra'kar chuckled at his old dearest puphood friend Fidget.
He was a golden tanned skinned Yautja with peach strips and spiked eyebrows and forehead.
He was an Yautja version of a Tiger but he was given title 'the bizzare warrior' for his eagerness of hunting or a good brawl.
The yautja could never sit still or even stand without fidgeting, it was like he was pumped up full of adrenaline.

"All is fine with her my dear friend and Jasitcha has bonded with her well."

"Your mate? But I thought she was-"

Ra'kar gave his friend a good stern nudge on his shoulder showing Fidget he will explain everything later.
He was happy to have his puphood friend with him during his training, the right of passage and hunts.
Fidget was also given the rank of Elite guard, everyone thought he wasn't going to make it because of his...habbit.
But he turned it into his advantage on his hunts and missions.

Fidget looked at his giant friend, he recognised the same look he always gave off during his puphood.
"You can't face your father now Ra'kar, your leg is still on the mend and-"
Ra'kar noticed that Fidget's foot was tapping repeatedly, he learnt all his rhythm fidgets and he knew something was on Fidget's mind.

"Is there something wrong Fidget?"

Fidget looked at Light-stepper's chambers and back at Ra'kar.
He knew something was up and he didn't want Ra'kar to get hurt or disowned but he couldn't lie to his best friend.
"I won't stop you but whatever happens please do not loose yourself."

Ra'kar nodded, he knew what Fidget meant because the last argument him and his father had, Ra'kar ended up in medical bay on near life support.
Ra'kar lost his privileges for a while until he earned them back again.
Being the son of a Clan leader was not easy, you think it would make things easier for Ra'kar but it didn't.
It meant he had to do more to prove his father he was worthy, he was capably and he deserved to hunt along side him.

But it's all different now, he's now a father himself and his mate is back in his life again.
They need to come first and that also meant he needed to make a sacrifice.

"Thank you for your concern Fidget but these are my affairs not yours."
Fidget nodded at Ra'kar but he was still uncertain about the situation.
The gentle giant noticed Fidget was tapping his foot more rapidly, he purred at the bizzare male and flicked his forehead playfully.
"I wanna give you something. I made in the medbay for you."

Fidget was surprised but eager to know his gift, Ra'kar pulled out a necklace made of xenomorph teeth and back bones, it was held together with hunting wire and the main trinket was the xenomorph's tail spear.
"I always thought of you as my young brother while growing up together, will you be part of my family group and be the Uncle Alari deserves to have."

Fidget was stunned at the request, he took the gift instantly and put it around his neck.
The two dear friends nuzzled each others foreheads with respect and trust.
"Now go guard my mate and meet your niece."

"With pleasure! Jasitcha can't stop me form visiting her now!"
The yautja hurried away to the medbay while the others just stared in confusion or disgust.
The others didn't really like him, he was different from them and did things very differently but that's why Ra'kar liked him so much.

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