Chapter 18: JUST A WARM UP?!"

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Team Omega is seen with Team RWBY in Combat Class as they were watching Pyrrha single handedly beat Team CRDL all on her own. But Y/n and Yamato weren't even bothering to pay attention as instead staring at Y/n's new robotic arm.

Yamato: *as Y/n was moving his fingers* "So what's it like to having a metal arm?"

Y/n: "'s's like's like a hand...but it feels different."

Yamato: "Yeah..that would make sense.." *see Pyrrha finally finishing her match* "And like predicted...Team Cunt-ass Carrot got recked..*

Glynda: "And that's the match!"

Cardin: "Lucky Shot." *he collapses*

Glynda: "Well done, Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament."

Pyrrha: "Thank you Professor." *walks back to stands*

Glynda: "Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match." *she looks at the other students* "Any volunteers? Ms. Beledonna?" *Blake quickly shits her book and looks at Glynda* "You've been rather docile for the past few clases. Why don't you-"

Gray haired Male teen: *raises his hand* "I'll do it."

Glynda: "Mercury, is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent."

Mercury: "Actually." *points over to Y/n* "wanna fight him."

Y/n: *looks up and then around confused before pointing at himself* "Who? Me?" 

Mercury: "Yes you!"

Glynda: "Very well. Come down and get ready Mr. Branwen."

Y/n: "Fine by me." *gets up and merely jumps over to the Arena with bored look on his face*

Yamato: "Y/n." *Y/n looks over to his partner* "Try not to kill him okay?"

Y/n: "Now why would I do that?" *Yamato merely gives him a look which Y/n merely smirks before turning around and looks towards Mercury.*

Mercury: "You're not going draw your weapon?"

Y/n: "Don't need to..." *holds up and unsheathes his metal talons from his Machine arm* "I'm always drawn for battle."

Glynda: "3, 2, 1 Begin!"

The match begins and Mercury make the first move and goes in for a roundhouse. However Y/n merely grabs Mercury's legs, with his non metal hand. He quickly notices that the Mercury's legs were metal prosthetics by the him gripping onto it. He quickly knocks Mercury back with a hard headbutt to his skull sending him flying. Y/n quickly rushes toward Mercury.

Ruby: *turns toward Green haired girl* "Hey, your friend is doing pretty good."

The Green haired girl fakes a smile and then turns her head about to roll her eyes when Mercury crashes right next to her .  Her eyes widen before looking towards Y/n who had little bit of steam shoot out of his own metal arm glaring at her before walking off*

Glynda: "Well Y/n is the victor of the match." 

Y/n hops into the stand and was about to pass the green haired girl but as he does: *whispers in her ear in cold tone* "stay the hell away from my little sister or any of my friends and family, otherwise.. I will kill everyone you know."

Emerald's eyes widen in horror as Y/n walks off clenching his fist in angry which Yamato took notice immediately.

Glynda: *bell rings* "That's all for today. And remember, the dance is this weekend. But you all have your first Mission on Monday. I will not accept excuses."

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