chapter 1

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??? POV:

it was an uneventful day at UA so I decided to read some old newspapers.just the usual bank robberies,villian attacks,jail breaks but there was one Newspaper that intrigued my interest the title said 'THE CHILD INCIDENT' the newspaper only gave me so much information but who is this girl?

~time skip~

"Present mic hey I have a favor to ask you" ?? Said "OH,Principal!What's up!?" "I need you you to find more information about Y/N ROSE L/N"

~time skip~


It was cold and quiet in tartarus like usual. I couldn't see because I have a metal blindfold along with quirk canceling cuffs on my hands and feet that I've had on since i came here. Just then i heard someone come into the room. They pulled me down from the upright table!? Like thing i was on and pulled me into a direction by my hand cuffs since i couldn't see because of the metal blindfold they put on me. I was sat on a chair and they took the metal blindfold off of me. Squinting my eyes because of the bright light i could see "an animal?" I thought "hello Y/N" it said to me i didn't speak just in case i wasn't supposed too the mouse?bear? Thing saw i didn't speak so he said "its ok you can speak whenever you want do you know who i am?" I shook my head how was i supposed to know who he is!? ". My name is principal nezu and i want to enroll you into UA high school" i was confused "school?"i asked in s stoic voice while tilting my head to the side "school is a place where you can learn how to read,write and learn how to control your quirk" principal nezu answered "so i can learn how to control my quirk in UA?" He nodded in response "but why are you telling me?" I asked "well Miss Y/N I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join UA?" He answered calmly i thought for s second then realized if i learn how to control my quirk i wouldn't have to stay in tartarus anymore " i want to join UA."


Hello! Sorry this one is s little shorter then i wanted it too be

Updates will be on Tuesdays

And I'll try to make the chapters longer if you want

Also pls vote if you like this book it helps reach my book to other people thanks!

Stay safe ❤

Hey! Sorry if you got the notification That I updated i just fixed some spelling mistakes my friend pointed out😅

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