Chapter 2: the first days

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(A/N: Small retcon, Xsuton's denizen is now Artemis instead of Echidna)

Its been two days straight of imp killing and small amounts of interpersonal drama surrounding zakkan and liznea, zakkan accused liznea of having false black feelings for her and liznea admitted that her feelings lacked depth and that she did not truly hate him nor did she wish for their rivalry. All while zakkan was having an internal conflict with himself over how he felt for liznea.

Xsuton spent the day time practicing 'playing' the stars while he spent the night building up Zenkis's hive to the gate, sleeping for an hour or so every three hours, but he never did wake back up on prospit, instead he would witness memories of unfamiliar places and people. At the end of the second night, Zenkis's first gate was reached. The others had unlocked this gate by this time as well, and all passed through, into the surface of their lands, all but xsuton, who still lacked any gates over his hive.

You are now Zenkis. Zenkis has been defeating as many imps and ogres as he could using his 2x bladekind strife specibus, using a katana in one hand and a tanto in the other. He climbed up the additions to his hive, slaying imps along the way until he arrived just above his first gate, jumping backwards into it and landing on solid ground again. Zenkis looked around his land's surface, the ground looked like a giant page had covered it, with the occasional scribblings of an indecipherable script, and in the distance he could see what looked to be crumblings buildings... and many, MANY imps... and other enemies... basilisks, and liches, and ogres, oh my!

A familiar voice rang in Zenkis's head, it was the sprite. 'I cant come with you yet, but when you get back i will give you something. You can come back using a return node, but for now look for your second gate, its somewhere on your land. There are four gates above each hive, the first, third, fifth and seventh, and four in each land, your second is on your land, but your fourth is with liznea, your sixth is with zakkan and your eighth is with shinzu. Your eighth gate will lead you to a being called a denizen, a giant monster responsible for your quest, which you will have to discover yourself. Its suggested you locate your quest bed after passing through your first gate, as it will make it easier to pass through your other gates.

Zenkis nodded and stretched "so wh3r3 will i find my qu3st b3d?" He asked.

'That i cannot tell you, but i can tell you that the consorts of your land will guide you to it, follow your instincts and intuition, you already know what to do' the sprite spoke before ending the conversation. Zenkis let out a tired groan and started in the direction of the biggest ruins he could see. He walked for hours before he found himself at the ruin entrance... and just before he stepped in...


Zenkis groaned and turned around, finding several liches and ogres ready to attack. "Good gri3f, and i actually thought for a mom3nt that this wouldnt be annoying as all h3ll." He groaned. Well, at least zenkis has his secret weapon.

[(cannot use)]<

"What do you m3an i cant us3 that y3t?! Fuck it."

[(cannot use)]

Zenkis launches foward, slashing one of the several ogres in half, turn end.

The several enemies [AGGRESS] zenkis. He soon finds himself covered in bruises and scratches... good thing trolls are resilient and durable. I mean, zenkis is still in a metric fuckton of pain, but hes not dying just yet. The enemy he'd killed got the enemies to clump together more for safety in numbers... good thing thats exactly what zenkis wanted.

Your turn!


Its time for your special move, Zenkis! He leans down and places both hands on his katana's hilt... in an instant, he's on the opposing side of the enemies, and his katana is carefully placed back into its habaki, as it clicks in, the underlings were all sliced clean in half.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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