LIE (거짓말 )

42 3 0

" Oh, dangerous, dangerous, dangerous. How dangerous and ecstasic it is to lie~ "

" What do you mean you can't come with us? " Asked Yerin with an upset tone.

Eunae watched her friends apprehensively, unable to find a good explanation for them. She couldn't just blur out that the man who was presumably, her guardian and came from the future told her to not go to la Poupée store today. All this because an accident is supposed to happen, and she might be involved.

" We planned to go there last week. Did something happen? "

Unlike Yerin, Chaerin was more worried about the reason that Eunae wasn't able to hang out with them. While Yerin was playing the tough big sister in the trio, Chaerin was the mom in the group.

" No, nothing happened! " Assured the black-haired girl, " I will have a small date after school with Kihyun. Without thinking, I accepted and forgot to tell you guys. I'm sorry. "

Of course, it was a lie, but they couldn't know that.

Both sighed at the sight of their friend's puppy eyes and apologetic expression.

" Sorry! " Apologized again the girl as she clapped her hands together in front of her face. " But we can go there tomorrow! "

" Fine, whatever, but tomorrow don't just cancel again! " Warned Yerin.

" Promise! "

The trio went back to do their activity, chatting about everything and nothing, laughing with their classmates until the teacher would come and start a new lesson.

The day went by rather slowly for Eunae.

Was it because she was looking forward to her date after school with Kihyun? Or was it because her fate would be officially intertwined with his from today on?

Various questions went through her mind, making her unable to focus on her studies.

First off, after her date with Kihyun, will she really be unable to meet that young man again?

Will she be able to know his name before he was to leave?

But more importantly, why did he come to her?

Her questions and thoughts turning darker and darker, she shook her head and decided to not think too much. He hasn't left yet, so she still had time to get all her questions answered, truthfully.

Suddenly, the young girl found herself in front of her school entrance, bidding goodbye to her friends. While she was waiting for Kihyun to finish his activity. She felt thankful that he had accepted to spend the rest of the day with her at the last minute. She had only asked him yesterday night about the date, and he said yes.

So, when the girl suddenly received a text from him telling her that he wouldn't be able to join her, she was indeed disappointed. Eunae obviously asked him the reason, but all he answered was that he had to go help a friend and that he was sorry.

" Today mission was a fail, huh? What am I supposed to do now? " She asked herself before she gave one last look at the school.

Should she ask him if they needed her help too? Whatever might that be, she had to stay with Kihyun today. It was her mast mission, after all.

Her phone screen lighting up as a notification appeared, she read his reply.

" No, I will be fine. Don't wait for me and go home first. I will see you at school tomorrow! "

The girl tilted her head in a confused state and frowned in front of her screen.

" Should I just get home? " She shook her head.

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