Chapter 1

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Colin surveyed the world over the edge of his polystyrene cup. He didn't usually come to this side of town, preferring the organic soy lattes he could get at his usual haunts. But for some reason, today he walked a little further, to where manicured lawns had turned into graffitied breezeblock walls.

He stood up from the formica table in the corner of the greasy spoon cafe, and approached the counter. There was a pale, dark eyed young man behind there wearing a brown uniform with multicoloured buttons, with the name badge "Cuthbert". Colin read that with surprise- he didn't expect a name like that in a place like this.

"You all done, mate?" The man behind the counter asked. Colin jumped slightly.

"Yes, thank you. That was delicious." Colin winced at how posh his voice sounded in comparison. He must sound ridiculous to the (attractive, in a rough-round-the-edges way) person in front of him.

He left the empty cup on the counter and walked out, cringing to himself- why was he so awkward?

Colin wasn't always like this. It was like after Connie left him he'd lost all confidence. He really thought she was "the one", and had even started picking out wedding outfits. But no, she wanted something more exciting than him. Colin didn't really know what she meant by that- it's not like he was vanilla! But she was gone, had moved in with Colin's erstwhile best friend Percy. This was despite the fact that Percy was, Colin had always thought, a bit of a pig.


Colin walked past the cafe every day that week, not daring to go in in case he made a fool of himself in front of that cute guy with the cheeky grin. He looked in every day as he went by, just to see if he was there.

On friday, he carried out what had become his routine, trying to casually peer through the windows, when he walked into someone cleaning the outdoor tables.

"Oi, watch where you're going!" A familiar voice mocked, cheerfully. Colin stuttered an apology, staring down at Cuthbert's white unbranded trainers, an almost perfect match of his own.

"No need to say sorry, mate. I kinda liked it" Cuthbert murmured.

Colin blushed, and took a step back, still not daring to look up.

"I've seen you come past every day" Cuthbert said "But you haven't come in. Why not?"

Colin reddened further, and muttered an excuse about running late.

"You've wanted to come in though, right? I've seen the way you look at me" Cuthbert teased, sticking out his tongue.

Colin finally met Cuthbert's eye, and nodded wordlessly, transfixed by Cuthbert's beautiful brown eyes.

"I was going to close the place up for my break soon anyway.... Want to join me?" Cuthbert nodded towards the greasy spoon.

"Oh gosh, I'd love that" Colin said, and instantly regretted his choice of words.

Cuthbert didn't seem to notice, as he took Colin by the hand and led him into the cafe, turning the sign to "Closed" as he passed.

Once inside, he turned to Colin and and leant forward slightly, pausing halfway to check the other man wanted the same as him. Colin bent eagerly towards him, till their lips met softly.

"Wow" said Cuthbert, after they pulled apart. "This is not just any kiss."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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